Hydrating YOUR BLOOD! The first step back to Health!

Hydration!  The first step back to Health!

AND Perhaps, one of the most clearly stated causes of Health Failure is simply “DE-Hydration”   I have posted Dr Corrine Allen’s address on this in my blog site in last Aprils post.

Dr Corrine Allen “Your Brain on water!”

Anyone who is attempting to help others in their health recovery, regardless of what method or Supplement they use will find this totally enlightening, actually captivating.  “Dehydration” is central to ALL Brain disorders, like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, Memory loss, Foggy mental state, Chronic Fatigue, etc.

Unfortunately, knowing the cause doesn’t help if you don’t know the cure!

All water is not Equal”  see previous post on my blog “If water isn’t water, then what is it?”  You are in for a surprise if you haven’t discovered the number of diseases that re-mediate quickly in people who are drinking Alkalized, Ionized, Re-structured water.  And NO! It is not the fact that it is Alkaline, though there are important reasons for it being so.  It is more about the delivery of Active Hydrogen to the Human Body. Active Hydrogen provides a significant “Anti-Oxidant” Electron energy source in the water.  Also the Excess Hydrogen is able to help the damaged water molecules get restored (restructured) back to it’s natural state.

You can see the impact on an average person’s Blood restoration in just 12 minutes after drinking only 4 oz of this water.  You will want to see my blog “Change your Water, Change your Blood!” a one minute video will amaze you. Watch the Red Blood Cells become energized, separated and active after previously having been clustered, sluggish and in Rouleau formations.

View the Life impacting  information of the Science supporting this reality. visit a Private Website with 9 video’s showing the Blood, the digestive and Colon restoration (Dr. Shinya, co-inventor of Colonoscopy) and Skin disorders like shingles, psoriasis, burns etc and how they respond to a certain grade of water. You can view the private site at http://HealthSuccessCenter.net/keithf   You will receive a  private pass-code to access the site by email.

Did you know that the Surgery Rooms of some of Japan’s Hospitals disinfect their facilities, wash their hands and even clean out the chest cavities of open heart surgeries with a 2.5 pH water

Did you know that MRSA, Staph, Strep, Listeria, Ecoli, and other serious infectious Virus’s and Pathogens are 99.99% destroyed in 30 seconds of exposure to this 2.5 pH water?

I have personally been on this water for the last 12+ years.  At 70 I functioned like an 80 year oldArthritis, Diabetes, Over weight, Acid Reflux, Constipation and Irregularity, Fibromyalgia,  Nerve Damage from a broken back and more.  Today at 81 I function like a 50 year old.  More energy, endurance, no medications, no arthritis, bowel movements within the hour after eating (a normal I didn’t know existed) better sleep, more mental clarity and can out work most 50 year old men I know.

My word for 2019 is “Discovery!”  There is plenty of information available today, but, what you personally experience trumps it all.  Discover for yourself.  Text me for possibility of finding a local source for you to experience this for yourself and your loved ones.

Blessings on you,


Gods Water? It’s HIS water, designed to Fuel the Life Force in you.

Check video of what I call Gods Water

Your body should be 75% water! but it’s not if you are not getting the water it was designed for. NO! what you are drinking is not WATER, it is a liquid solution and if you drink Bottled water, you are actually getting “Free Radical Liquid” in the name of “PURE WATER!”  ask me for proof!

WaterBoy?  that’s me.    Keith Flint     720-281-3965    Cell/Text

What diseases are likely to minimize when drinking Alkalized Water?

Great Question! Recently I have been asked “can the water have a positive impact on …..?  The list goes on; diabetes, arthritis, digestive tract disorders, headaches, High Blood Pressure, MS, Lupus, Cancer, etc.

To answer this question, I believe we need to establish some information that I propose are Facts.

First off, I will make the statement that what the Medical World calls “disease” is actually a “Condition” of your body. Conditions can be reversed!

Let us use an example like “High Blood Pressure” which is a result of both Blockage and dehydrated blood cells stuck together like sludge. Instead of focusing on removing the blockage, the Doctor prescribes medications that slow the heart down.  This drops the blood pressure, but does not solve the problem.  Now that the pressure is down (slower heart beat) the volume of Blood is insufficient and so now he prescribes a “Blood Thinner” to get more blood flow at the slower heart rate.

He thins the blood in order to get past the area of blockage or to compensate for the “Sludgy” characteristic of the blood and you are now on a maintenance program for life. There’s no intent to actually remove the cause of the problem.

Alkalized Water, restructured back to that of a Snowflake which is a visible model of the natural design of water. It’s a ring of 6 water molecules in a Hexagonal Ring that is the proper size for the body to pass directly to the blood and enables the Red Blood Cells to function as they should.

Watch a one minute video showing the effect of Alkalized Water on Red Blood Cells.

When the Blood can function in the Body as was intended, it services EVERY ORGAN and CELL in the Body. Both supplying Hydration, Energy, Oxygen, nutrition and Hemoglobin AND removes the waste byproducts (ACID) from the cells to the Kidneys for removal.

In the beginning, as a Baby your body was 75% water! As a grown person you lose 1/2 oz of water per pound weight daily, through normal body processes. BUT, Do you really drink Water?  Are you adequately restoring the kind of water the body needs?

Lets see what happens in the Gut when you are not drinking adequate amounts of the right water on a daily basis. Especially when eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) and insufficient water intake.

Dr. Shinya is the developer of the colonoscopy process in the 70’s. Here is a short video showing the impact of Drinking Alkalized Water.\

Dr Shinya Chief Gastroenterologist Beth Israel Med Center NY.

The Core of your body is your Digestive Process and the Blood System  and your lungs. When these are functioning properly everything else works as it should.  Neglect any of them and your body pays the price.

You take your Body to the Doctor, but generally he doesn’t ask you about your home, your water or anything beyond your body. You can have Asthma because of pollution in the air of the home or Mold, but that’s another story for later. (text me if you would like information on this issue) of course you also likely have a lack of sufficient Water Hydration,!

Your body’s Health is directly related to your intake of water, food and Air. It’s not rocket science.  But the choices you make can have disastrous results and you wouldn’t necessarily recognize the cause and Effect.

watch a rather interesting video that compares Restructured Alkalized water to Bottled water, Tap water, Soda’s, Premium waters, etc.  See the reality that Bottled water should be labeled “Free Radical liquid” but is  sold as “Pure water”. See video, which opens in separate tab. You can return to this post after viewing by clicking on the current tab above.  AlkalizedWaterDemo

Since YOUR Blood “Services” every cell and organ of the body, it makes sense that the quality of the Blood would play a key role.  The quality of water determines the performance of the Blood, just like the quality of Gas determines the performance of your car. Try running it on kerosene!

When the Blood is able to do its job, the other functions begin to restore themselves. MS, Fibromalygia, Chronic Fatigue, Aches and Pain are common results of insufficient Hydration and removal of waste from the cells.

I have a 9 video special website that will walk you through many of the questions that you might have. Since it is by invite only, please click on this link and then request your password.

I will be writing on some of the specific conditions listed at the beginning of this post in the days ahead. let me know if you have a specific interest,

If you would like to have a “Text Message” letting  you know when I post new postings, please Text your Name to 720-281-3965 with the text “please add me to your blog notification by text.” or email keith@GodsWaterBoy.com with the same request for an email.

Thank you for visiting my Blog and please share it with your friends.

Keith Flint
