Are you ready to be HEALTHY? It’s easier than you think.

This Blog is being re-Posted by request. Please read thoroughly~

Keith Flint

The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.


Is it true that water can have a positive impact on …..?  


  • Arthritis,
  • Digestive tract disorders,
  • Headaches,
  • High Blood Pressure,
  • MS,
  • Lupus,
  • Cancer,
  • Diabetes,
  • Crohns Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Colitis
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia
  • etc.

To answer this question, we need to establish some Facts.

The picture above illustrates that your body is actually 60,000 miles of Blood distribution!  Your BLOOD is the single most important part of your ability to maintain good Health and/or Restore your Health.

Scripture says that “LIFE is IN Blood!”    Blood is 92% WATER!  And, what is it that you are drinking?  Liquids? Bottled Water? Energy Drinks?  WATER? more on this question in a minute.

All “Disease” is actually a developed “Condition” and unless it is reversed and restored, the only thing a Medication can do is “Mask” it or control the symptoms!

Let’s ask a question:  What isDIS  EASE?”  (Noun)   A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

TO WIT: A Disorder of function in a Human that produces specific Symptoms and is not a result of Physical Injury.

NOTE: Symptoms occur AFTER an organ has become stressed or ineffective in accomplishing what it is supposed to do in your body’s system. The Function of Healing is effected by Restoring Function and Performance.    In other words  “We need to correct the defect, to eliminate the symptoms!

So, lets get back to the job of your Blood

What is the job of Blood? Blood provides the circulating fluid that carries Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, Waste, Carbon Dioxide through the body to provide for the function of Life and removal of waste.

What Carries Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, Waste?  The Red Blood Cell is the primary transporter (Platform that carries)  of these essential suppleis to every cell of your body.  Conversely, if the RED BLOOD CELLS are not separate, independent and flowing freely, your ability to keep all the organs healthy suffers.

Another example: Let’s look at “High Blood Pressure” which may be a result of either, Blockage and/or dehydrated Red blood cells stuck together like sludge.Viewing the picture above, you body does not have big open tubes for most of your body, the Blood must pass through microscopic veins and Capillaries.

The current medical solution for High Blood Pressure does not focus on removing the blockage, Instead the Doctor prescribes medications (Chemicals) that slow the heart down.  Of course, your blood pressure drops, but so does the volume of Blood being delivered.  The doctor claims success! we dropped your blood pressure.

This does not solve the problem, does it? Your Blood pressure is down (slower heart beat) BUT the volume of Blood is insufficient and so now he prescribes a “Blood Thinner” to get more blood flow at the slower heart rate.

Question? Has he eliminated the Cause? or treated the symptom? Was your blood pressure high because of blockage or because the blood was not Hydrated and had become sludge? ie. (Symplasts, Rouleau, full of excess fat, sugar, etc.)

Blood comparison





Which blood condition above do you want? The Left is common for dehydrated people, the Right is the same person 10 minutes after drinking Restructured water!

Your Doctor thins your blood in order to get past the area of blockage or to compensate for the “Sludgy” characteristic of the blood and you are now on a maintenance program for life. There’s no intent to actually remove the cause of the problem.

The 1 minute video below will show a typical response to drinking just a few ounces of this water.

This  Video shows the effect of Alkalized Water on Red Blood Cells.

When your Blood functions as intended, it services EVERY ORGAN and CELL in your Body. Supplying Hydration, Energy, Oxygen, nutrition and Hemoglobin AND removes the waste byproducts (ACID) from the cells to the Kidneys for removal.

Now, Lets see what happens in the Gut when you are not drinking adequate amounts of the right water on a daily basis. Especially when eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet and insufficient water intake.

Dr. Shinya is the developer of the colonoscopy process in the 1968. Here is a short video showing the Restorative impact of Drinking  Alkalized Water.

Dr Shinya Chief Gastroenterologist Beth Israel Med Center NY.

The Fuel and Distribution system of your body is your Digestive Process, the Blood System  and your lungs. When these are functioning properly everything else works as it should.  Neglect any of them and your body pays the price.

Your body’s Health is directly related to your intake of water, food and Air. It’s not rocket science.  But the choices you make can have disastrous results and you wouldn’t necessarily recognize the cause and Effect.

watch a powerful video that compares Restructured Alkalized water to Bottled water, Tap water, Soda’s, Premium waters, etc.  See the reality that Bottled water should be labeled “Free Radical liquid” instead it is sold as “Pure water“. See video, which opens in separate tab. You can return to this post after viewing by clicking on the current tab above.

Since YOUR Blood “Services” every cell and organ of the body, it makes sense that the quality of the Blood would play a key role.

The quality of water determines the performance of the Blood, just like the quality of Gas determines the performance of your car. Try running it on kerosene!

For a thorough education in what this water is, why it is needed, which bottled water is best, how do I know I need it and  more, I have a special video website that will walk you through many of the questions that you might have. the site is by invite only,>please click on this link< and request your password to access.

I will be writing on some of the conditions listed at the beginning of this post in the days ahead. let me know if you have a specific interest or questions,

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Keith Flint



Realities of our Modern Lifestyle.

by Keith Flint 

Healthy Living Environment Specialist   IAQ & ASHRAE Associate

In this day of convenience and fast lifestyle does the following sound familiar? Do you live with “Fast Food”, Processed & Packaged Boxed Food and instant Meals, Bottled Water, Drinks galore, a Mobile Society, and then come home to a “Living Environment” Sealed to save Energy? 

We live in homes that are insufficiently lit with “Energy Saving” light bulbs, Stale, stagnant and pollutant filled air and lacking any Oxygen restoration. We lock the doors and plop into an easy chair in front of a Television for the remaining hours of the day and energy quickly fades.

 What’s wrong with this picture?  None of the above actually considers the Physical and Internal needs of the Human Body! Our American Society represents the wealthiest 1% of the 7 Billion people in the world, Spends more on Healthcare (Sickness Maintenance) in the world and is 37th in actual Health according to the World Health Organization.  Cubans are Healthier than us. Many third World countries are Healthier than us!

We have ignored the most basic needs of the Human Body for convenience. We have exchanged our Health for a Culture of “Fast” everything. We consume more Prescription Medications than the rest of the entire World.

How are We going to Change all that?   By replacing that which we have chosen to ignore!

We have lost sight of what is important to our life.  Our Living Environment is not just a space to occupy, but a space that can supply the most basic needs of life. A space that provides the essentials of our body’s most basic needs.

 Basic to Human Life are three items.  Air, Water and Nutrition!  Everything else is secondary. 

What is wrong with our Air?  Well, for starters, we are more concerned about comfort than we are Quality. We have sealed our living environment so tightly that no new air is resupplied and the pollutants of our living remain a soup of gasses and odors that we re-breathe long after the Oxygen Energy has been lost.  We spill a glass of water on the carpet and in 24 hours we have Mold Spores wafting through our air. We have more Pets than any other nation and they shed Allergens into our “Breath of Life” source, our breathing space.  Smoke, cooking odors, Skin cells (Dust), and all of the above constitute what we call “Air”, and we wonder that we are plagued with every sort of disease.  Asthma is a respiratory issue, we can’t get enough Oxygen. Allergies, Sniffles, Dry Cough’s, Poor Sleep, Chronic tiredness, Lacking energy even Depression, can these actually be the result of something we can change? Do you question whether there is really any significance to the above?

When is the last time you came home, full of energy from being outside, with a feeling that you were going to accomplish the project that you have been waiting to do. Then you sat down on the couch to watch the evening News and within 30 minutes you didn’t have enough energy to get out of your seat? You had replaced the Fresh Outdoor Air with a stale soup of air, lacking any energy and your body is telling you so.

Did you know that when we put Men is Space for long periods of time that they have to have a source of Living Air?  Bottled Oxygen is devoid of “Life”, it’s energy was removed by the processes of compression. Yes, It is Oxygen, but it lacks “Lifes Energy”  Ask anyone on an Oxygen Canula how much energy they are getting from the Oxygen they are breathing.

So how does the astronaut’s air differ from our air? He really is living in a sealed environment. In the early 1970’s the problem was solved by a simple process.  First, we all know that Humans give off Carbon Dioxide from breathing and Plants use Carbon Dioxide to grow and return Oxygen in the process.  This was thought to be the solution. In fact, don’t most of us have many plants in our living environment? OOOP’s, we missed something.  Both Humans and Plants also give off Methane into the air.  Methane in a sealed environment would eventually kill both.  But in your home it just becomes part of the soup you call air.

The problem was solved with a brilliant discovery.  It seems that when Ultra Violet light strikes a surface that holds moisture (Water, made of Hydrogen and Oxygen) that molecules of H2O2 are released as a gas.  The H2O2 simply Water vapor plus a single Oxygen. Not the Oxygen you breathe, but Single Oxygen Molecule, the most powerful agent of killing Mold, Virus, Bacteria, Odor and off gassing like Formaldehydes.

Since H2O2 is a Gas Vapor, it expands to fill the space and lies in wait for something that needs to be removed from the air. This product has been put in NASA buildings in their HVAC units to make the air healthy and breathable.

In the 1980’s the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) built a totally Modern New building in Washington D.C. for their people to move in to from a 100 year old drafty building.  Within weeks of moving in to the New building with all of its modern Environmentally appropriate building materials and construction for Energy saving, etc, the people began to get sick.  Whole departments asked to leave and return to their old building offices. The EPA, our guide to modern building practice, had built an “Unhealthy” Building.

So much for History, Let’s talk about what WE CAN DO to make a Healthy Living Environment for YOU!

We will begin with the common spaces of a multifamily facility. These areas are served with major distribution of air from Heating, Ventilating Air Conditioning (HVAC) units that supply, filter and distribute pre-comforted air throughout the buildings common spaces.  The Ducts that bring the air to an area is the perfect place to insert one of the Air Restoration units so that the space is provided with Active air and Disease management at the same time.

These units are Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy devices and are called “REME™” units.  They are both inexpensive and effective with long service life expectancy.

The “REME™” units can also be put in residential living spaces that have their own heating and cooling air sources. Doing so will keep the air in the home free of bacteria, virus, mold, cooking and pet odor’s and provide a healthy active oxygen rich air supply for the occupants.

Wow! Who would have thought?  OH! By the way, Did you know that the earliest of these (similar) units were purchased by the Chinese Government, to contain and destroy the original SAR’S” outbreak in China? China took the company’s entire manufacturing production for several months and installed units in their Bus Terminals, Subways, Train Stations and other public places. This action stopped the spread of the SAR’S disease completely.

The U.S. Government Research Agency at Sandia, New Mexico has issued the test results of the technology showing that it Killed the H1N1 Virus (H5N1 surrogate) 100% in 10 hours, 58%in one minute, on surfaces where the air reached. By the way, this virus was called the “Bird Flu” and was expected to become a pandemic. The H1N1 Virus had a survival rate of 17 days in a hostile environment, but  it was totally destroyed in its first generation and it could not multiply. I had the privilege of installing this technology in Terminal C at Houston’s George W Bush International Airport.

The air you breathe most certainly effect’s your health and quality of your life.

Also, “NO Disease that is spread by person to person” can live and be spread within such a dwelling or the common spaces that are shared.


What? Isn’t all water just water? I mean what about Bottled water and Brita™ filters and things like that?

Well, it’s time for some education here also. It seems that we have fallen prey to believing all the advertising and sales pitches of TV.

Let’s start with understanding just how important water is to life. Then we will discuss the differences in water sources.

  1. Your body is over 75% water. a 160 lb person is made up of 120 lbs of water in their body, tissue, blood and organs.
  2. The Human body loses ½ ounce of water per pound weight every day. That amounts to 80 ounces (just over 1/2 Gallon) of water lost to breathing, sweating and urinating every day.
  3. The average person drinks everything but water. The normal Grocery store has over 1,000 linear feet of shelving full of every other drink to appeal to your taste. None of which serves the purpose of water for Health.
  4. No LIFE exists without water, ANYWHERE.
  5. So who pays attention to consuming water daily? Well many today drink bottled water all day. You see people carrying their bottles everywhere. BUT! What are they drinking?
  6. Bottled water while being advertised as “Pure” is the least healthy water you can drink. In removing the impurities, the water molecules are stripped of most of the Hydrogen leaving a significant amount of Hydroxyl formation. The Hydroxyl is the most Oxidizing element in Nature. We normally call such a condition a “FREE RADICAL” The average bottled water is about 50,000 times lacking in Hydrogen and is damaging to the body. see an interesting demonstration at Alkalized Water Demo
  7. Major Doctors have attempted to call attention to the importance of the RIGHT water. Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Developer of the Colonoscopy Process, has treated over 400,000 people with serious Colon issues and returned their colon‘s to youthful appearance and performance in 90 days, with nothing more than a diet change and instructions to drink a specific Restructured water. (Video available)
  8. While the internal needs of the Human Body requires a quality of water that is returned to Nature’s specification, the external requirements of the skin is a mildly acidic water at around 5 to 6 pH. The Skin is the largest organ of the body. It requires a mild exfoliant.
  9. The list of Diseases that are a direct result or adversely effected by Dehydration and or Cellular Acidity is astonishing, yet we don’t treat the source of such conditions, we take Prescription Medications to alleviate the Symtoms.
  1. Arthritis
  2. Asthma
  3. Diabetes
  4. Obesity
  5. COPD
  6. Acid Reflux
  7. Migraine’s
  8. High Blood Pressure
  9. Fibromyalgia
  10. Crohn’s Disease
  11. Cancer
  12. IBD Irritable bowel syndrome
  13. Kidney Disease
  14. Hypertension
  15. Skin disorders

It is obvious that Water is more than just some liquid that we use every day. IT IS VITAL to life itself.  The Water Restoration Product that we recommend’s Motto is Change your Water, Change your Life!™

The research and Testimonials are endless, showing the benefits of having the right water for the right applications.

A Quality Water Ionizer placed in the Kitchen (on or Under Counter units) will provide 7 Grades of living water.

  • Three are specific for normal drinking (8.5; 9.0 and 9,5pH)
  • One is for taking medication and Baby formula (7.0 filtered only)
  • 5 pH Beauty Water for Face, Hands and Skin
  • 2.5 pH Disinfecting Water (used in Hospital Surgeries)
  • 11.5 pH Cleaning Water (Emulsifies Oil and removes Pesticides from fruit & Vegetables)

You can also get an “Unique” spa filter for the bathroom, that provides tub or shower water adjusted to the proper pH and Mineral Spa comfort.  No longer needing special shampoo’s or soaps and no expensive lotions to deal with skin dryness or burns from Chlorine.

The Testimonies and Research show that proper amount of water intake daily of this Alkalized Water provides the Body with energy and Hydrates the Blood within just a few minutes. This water enhances the delivery of Oxygen, Nutrients and Energy to every cell of the Body. It also is shown to remove the Acidic waste from the cells, restoring natural Alkalinity to the body.

This Ionizing product was originally designed for Hospital use and is certified in Japan for such. The Domestic units are exactly the same and have a useful life expectancy of over 20 years of hard use. They make an excellent appliance in the modern home, bringing Health to all.

You can see that there is a real choice to make in providing a Healthy Living Environment for the residents of all living facilities, whether individual homes or Multifamily Apartments or Condominiums.

Ask for specific information or documentation of any of the above claims. It is available from

The Building Industry is attempting to create a WELLNESS STANDARD for new buildings, defining safe building material choices.  Unfortunately, they are identifying the problem correctly, yet applying old Legacy methods as if they were solutions.

Our Technologies properly installed, eradicate all out-gassing of chemicals from new building materials, paints, carpets as well as dealing with the issues in present dwellings of all types.

The difference is that, WE TREAT THE CAUSE and eliminate it, where they have no clue! We restore the Healthy Living environment that helps people recover from their long term exposure to poor living conditions.

We earlier mentioned food products and their impact on our society.  We can’t directly effect change in people’s habits, but we can give their bodies the ability to function better in handling poor eating habits.

In a facility that embraces the Healthy Living Lifestyle protocols, we will have a more receptive client that will accept new information about food choices. In fact, our Specific, Alkalized water is the choice of many High End Restaurant Chef’s, in their kitchens and Culinary presentations.

In conclusion, the right choices for Indoor Air Management and Water treatment devices can truly make a significant Healthy Living Environment sustainable and worthy of promoting as a benefit of the facility.  There are obviously other factors that can be addressed, but these are the most fundamental early decisions and choices that must be faced, to achieve the desired end results.

Information is available from

Keith Flint (Indoor Air Quality –IAQ- and Molecular Hydration Specialist) Partner at Praxis Design Architects )

720-281-3965 Text  (inquiries invited)         720-281-3965 Cell


SOME TRUTH’S ABOUT CANCER! Is there a Natural Solution?

 The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.

There are many opinions as to what cancer is, where it comes from and how to overcome it.

I believe it is time to look for some Truth in the facts.
The Experts who attempt to explain Cancer, “Connect the dots” of many known characteristics of Cancer, and then fabricate a story to explain it.

Each has their own opinion to explain their “modality” to treat Cancer. This is a little like an archeologist finding some bones and then imagining his own representation of what the Ancient beast looked like. He then feeds on his own imagination and creates a complete scenario explaining the life history and living conditions of the beast.

1. Free Radical Damage is the catalyst that starts cancer.

2. Cancer cells are normal cells that have had damage to their DNA. (Free Radical damage)

3. Cancer cannot thrive in an Alkaline body. (Dr. Otto Warburg- Nobel prize for discovering Calcium (alkaline mineral) cures cancer circa 1935

4. Other so called experts add things, like it is the function of the “Immune System” to overcome cancer. Interestingly, if one understands what is implied by “The Immune System” then I believe that this statement is correct. Since the Immune System is a PROCESS of the various parts of the body, IT CAN BE FIXED! Unfortunately, no one actually attempts to go beyond the vague statement, explaining “HOW it functions” and “HOW it’s fixed!”. (I explain this at the end of the post)

5. Here are a few excerpts from various people offering “Cancer Treatments.”
a. Example: An organization called “Alternative Cancer Treatments” suggests that there is some balance between Cancer Cells and the Immune system.  There is no such thing as a preexisting cancer cell waiting to get an opportunity to grow! There are only normal cells that become Cancerous by having their DNA damaged.

The Immune system is a function of all of your body’s systems working together. We can define and show the structure of a muscular system, a cardiovascular system, a digestive system, a skeletal system, a nervous system, a lymphatic system, etc. BUT, there is no Structural definition of a specific “Immune System.”

The Immune system is a process of all of the body’s other Organ’s and Systems working in BALANCE. It is not an isolated system within the body.

This is another example of how the Medical world uses names to vaguely identify a process in order to treat its symptoms. Consider the disease “Fibromyalgia” this is general pain with no known cause or cure. But, because it has been given a name, it can be treated and charged to medical insurance. (Incidentally, the information in the latter part of this article applies to this condition. Relief can be almost immediate)

b. One source states that “Natural cancer treatments gently kill cancer cells”, “strengthen the Immune system”, and then fix the “Inner Terrain” of the body. You can’t get any more vague than this mumbo jumbo! (Cancer cells are damaged, dying cells already! see below)

c. One group “Identifies” the Lymphatic system as the issue. They state:
Alternative and conventional physicians alike readily acknowledge that one of the most important keys to health is an optimally functioning immune system. The lymphatic system is often overlooked as an essential component of immune function. It is a network of vessels and lymph nodes that runs throughout the body, transporting lymph fluids and eliminating toxins.
Affecting every cell and organ in the body, the lymphatic system is the terrain in which the immune system functions. It serves as a primary cleansing and filtration system, and helps maintain homeostasis, the body’s innate mechanism of self-regulation.

(Having declared the statement above they now suggest the use of a specific piece of equipment) With Derma-Ray The cold laser high frequency light system

(as you read the following paragraph, substitute “BLOOD” where ever they use “Lymphatic”) continuing on… “Lymphatic functions include transporting nutrients and oxygen to the cell and tissues, removing protein waste and other waste matter (including environmental toxins) from the cells and the body’s interstitial (“in-between”) regions, maintaining fluid balance in the connective tissue, and transporting fatty acids from the small intestine to the liver for storage and later use”


When the lymphatic system (BLOOD)becomes congested, these functions are impaired, depriving cells of oxygen and affecting the ability of the body to rid itself of its own waste material.

Over time, other body systems that rely on the lymphatic system (BLOOD) for waste removal will also become compromised, setting the stage for pain and disease.

A sure sign of lymph (BLOOD) congestion is sore or swollen lymph glands, which are most noticeable in the neck, armpits, groins, and intestines. But illness as wide-ranging as allergies, fibrocystic disease (non-malignant fibrous growths), and cancer can be related to lymph (BLOOD) congestion.

Practitioners of alternative medicine often use diet, herbs, homeopathic remedies, sauna, and manual lymphatic massage to prevent or reverse lymph congestion, all of which have proven effective in stimulating the flow of lymph (BLOOD)to some degree.

While lymph massage helps to drain the lymphatic system and is well received by most patients, inexperienced therapists can aggravate a patient’s condition by pushing the material to other areas of congestion.


Let’s discover what cancer is, what causes it and what cures it.

First let’s list some very basic facts of the body functioning properly, all systems in Balance, naturally.

  1. God created the body to heal itself! From the first cell division at birth, DNA guides the formation and renewal of all cells! THE BODY HEALS ITSELF!
  2. Life is in the Blood! Lev. 11:17 (Holy Bible)
  3. Blood is 92-95% water. (science)
  4. Red Blood cells carry Oxygen from the Lungs to every cell.
  5. products that claim they are “Oxygenated” are promoting that their water is missing Hydrogen completeness and exhibit high oxidizing and aging properties.
  6. We get oxygen from the lungs via the blood, not from water! Unlike fish, we do not have “Gills” to extract oxygen from water.
  7. Red Blood cells carry nutrition to the cells
  8. Red Blood cells carry waste from the cells to:
  9. Kidneys, bladder and Lymph glands for processing out of the body
  10. when you overload the kidneys capacity for processing, toxin’s remain in the blood and are carried to the lungs for expiration.

iii. That which the kidneys and lungs cannot discharge is carried to the LYMPH system to be forced out through the skin.

  1. There is no such thing as a “Cancer Cell”, all cells are controlled by DNA in development. The cells function is in the DNA and develops from birth. New Cells ALWAYS follow the Genetic DNA code. (Cancerous cells are mutated normal cells)
  2. Every Cell is a battery! New Cells begin, providing 70-90 mV of electrical charge. The body runs on electricity. Every muscle movement, every nerve signal, every thought is an electrical action.


Blood is the circulating source of Life and Energy to the body. Consider having a precision automobile with all mechanical parts perfectly functioning, BUT trying to run it on kerosene or water instead of High Octane Fuel. The Fuel is the source for making all of the other parts perform as designed. THE BLOOD IS THE FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM OF THE BODY!

  1. It carries the Oxygen from the lungs to the cells for oxidative combustion and energy.
  2. It carries nutrition to the cells as the fuel source.
  3. It extracts the waste byproduct of life (toxins and acidic residue) from the cells and carries it out to the kidneys for discharge, or the lungs and/or lymph system (see above)
  4. It carries Carbon Dioxide back to the lungs and exchanges it for Oxygen.
  5. Its condition determines the vibrancy of health or source of disease and digression of health in the body.

Is All Disease Manifestation the result of an Acidic Body?

The common perception today is that the solution is to ALKALIZE the body. Popular attitudes suggest that eating an Alkaline diet will make you Alkaline. Somehow they conclude that adding some alkaline product to the stomach will reverse its acidity.

Quite to the contrary, The solution to making the body alkaline is to REMOVE the acid, not neutralize it. Where is it? What part of the body is Acidic?

Our Acidity comes from the 70+ trillion cells of the body that are retaining the acidic byproduct of cellular combustion (utilization of nutrition to produce energy). Acidic cells are a result of the Bloods INABILITY to remove the Cells waste toxins and t0 carry the waste to the Kidneys.

WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Because the Blood is DEHYDRATED AND INCAPABLE OF CARRYING THE WASTE OUT! View the blood of an average American person on a normal American diet. Using “Bright-field Microscopy” of live blood samples, we typically see 80+% of the Red Blood cells deflated, stuck together in stacks of flat cells. This condition has been given the medical name of “Rouleau” a fancy way of saying “Unusable Red Blood cells” acting as sludge and debris in the river of life. (Note: rouleau are stacks of red blood cells. (RBCs))

Blood comparison before and after drinking Kangen Water

When the Blood cannot adequately deliver Oxygen and Nutrition to the cells and remove the toxic waste, then the waste accumulates. The residue of cellular energy production is ACIDIC waste by definition. The stored waste causes our Cells to become acidic.

Weak, acidic cells create an opportunity for dysfunctional performance of the body’s organs.

We call these dysfunctional conditions “Disease” and treat the symptoms, not the source. Such issues as Diabetes, Obesity, Digestive problems are the Manifestation of a failure of process, not a disease. Conditions CAN be reversed through restoration of the process.

Let’s get back to our discussion on “CANCER.”

Based on the information above, let’s explore WHAT cancer is.

First, as shown above, the blood system is not capable of delivering adequate nutrition, nor oxygen service to or waste removal from the cells. In this condition the cells energy production drops. This depletion of energy production is from the lack of sufficient Oxygen and nutrition and accumulation of retained waste.

As we age our Cells electrical charge reduces from their original 70-90 mV to a weak 20-30 mV charge. This truly fits the description of “Tired Blood.

FAILURE OF OUR BODY’S PERFORMANCE is largely due to insufficient Oxygen delivery and toxic buildup, which is seen as tiredness, discomfort, overweight, and things we then tag as Diseases.

When Cells are at this weakened energy level they are subject to DNA damage by Free Radicals. A free radical is any molecular structure that is LACKING an electron.  In your body the most available electron is usually a Hydrogen molecule. As the Free Radical passes a cell whose charge is less than 20 mV, it snatches a Hydrogen molecule from the DUPLEX HYDROGEN LOCK that maintains the security of the DNA. This damage to the DNA lock allows the DNA to become scrambled or altered.

Now that the Free Radical has received the Electron it needed it is no longer a threat.

BUT since it stole a Hydrogen Molecule from the weak cell, that cell has now become a “CANCEROUS CELL” with a “Free Radical electrical charge.”

This damaged cell needs to re-acquire an electron to re-lock its now damaged DNA code. The damaged cell is now a “Cancerous Cell.”

There are not many “TYPES” of Cancer; instead there are many types of “CELLS THAT BECOME CANCEROUS!”
The Cancerous Cell is an altered condition of a normal cell who has had its DNA damaged and now lacking an Electron, has been left as a Free Radical among other weakened cells. This damaged Cell cannot REPLICATE NATURALLY OR CREATE a new cell in its image, because it is now a dying cell in a process of self degeneration.

This damaged cell as a “Free Radical” can steal a Hydrogen Molecule from a weak neighbor cell to restore the lock on its own damaged Code! It is now passing the damage on to weaker cells. These cells progressively destroy a healthy organ unless the normal cells are Re Energized sufficiently to repel the attack of the Free Radicals.

Cancer is a degenerative process of weakened cells preying on other weakened cells, destroying their reproductive DNA.

All cancer cells are dying and will go away if you can stop their ability to prey on normal cells by restoring the energy to the surrounding cells.
The way to stop this destructive process is for the BLOOD to provide restoration of the surrounding Cells by re-Hydrating, removal of waste, restoration of Energy to all cells.

1. Providing adequate oxygen delivery, nutrition delivery and restored blood flow will cause the weakened cells to Recharge to a level that they cannot be damaged by free radicals. They can defend themselves against Free Radical presence once again.
2. Proper Blood formation, with healthy individual Red blood cells, functions as the delivery system of the body. Red Blood Cells (RBC) carry Oxygen from the lungs and Nutrition from the digestive system to the cells and take the waste byproducts and carbon dioxide away.
3. The Acidic condition of the cells is reduced through REMOVAL of the acid waste! The removal is the result of restoring the PROCESS back to normal function. Alkalizing the body is not accomplished by adding more chemicals (alkalizing minerals), but by removal of the individual cells acidic waste, restoring its natural balance.

So, the real question is HOW do we restore the blood?

Brightfield Microscopy is a proven method of taking a live blood sample on a glass slide and viewing with a Video Microscope. This allows the professional to analyze the condition of the blood. There are many patterns that represent a blood condition that correlates to a specific disease manifestation.

The use of BrightField Microscopy of live blood can be used to show the result of a person drinking RESTRUCTURED HEXAGONAL (restored to nature) water. The weakened blood cells show functional restoration in less than 15 minutes. Instead of being flattened, stuck together in the “Rouleau” condition, they become spherical, energized and separated. They now can once again function as the vehicle for delivery of Oxygen, Nutrition and Energy !

What is the water RESTRUCTURED back to? It is restored to the condition it was in nature before it began dissolving minerals, or having chemicals, chlorine, fluoride added. Any potable drinking water can be filtered of its impurities and then processed through a powerful ionizer. The Ionizer system divides the water into two flows and separates the Hydrogen molecules from the waste water, adding it to the drinking water. This Hydrogen carries a negative electrical charge and naturally seeks to recombine with the positively charged damaged water molecules. The recombining of the Hydrogen Molecules to the incomplete water molecules removes their positive (acidic) charge.

This rebalancing of the water molecules restores them back to what they were in nature.

In Nature you can see the physical properties of water by examining the Snowflake. Every Snowflake, though unique in design is always constructed by water molecules formed in the shape of a hexagon. You will see this six sided structure in EVERY SNOWFLAKE !

Water at its purest is always forming Hexagonal crystal structures in snowflakes. This is the natural geometric structure of pure water.

If there were any impurities, minerals, etc. in the water, a snowflake could not form in uniform 6 sided crystals. Properly ionized water ALWAYS forms structures of 6 molecules, not 4-7 as some internet guru’s claim. There is purpose to the design, not just smaller structures. The Specific Natural Design is the indication of the solution!

A Water Ionizer must have sufficient power and contact exposure to the incoming water flow in order to extract the negative Hydrogen ions. These Negative Hydrogen Ions are added to the drinking water. Initially, this Negative charge is readily available as “Anti-Oxidants.” However, there is an Aging process caused as they recombine with the source water, repairing it. This is a maturing process, where the water forms into Micro Clusters of six water molecules as Hexagonal rings.

This Hexagonal Ring of water is the smallest form of structured water, duplicating original water. This Hexagonal form is the size and shape that the body was designed to absorb, in the mouth, the esophageal channel and stomach. The right water does not process through the stomach and intestinal tract; it is absorbed into the blood stream immediately. This PROCESS then ACTIVATES the Red Blood cells.

Healthy Blood is the delivery system of the body. It provides what the body needs to restore cellular health and heal itself. It does so by restoring the energy levels and performance of the body’s cells. This allows healthy cells to be able to resist free radical attacks. The damaged cells that we call Cancerous cells cannot reproduce, but propagate through degenerative attack on other weak cells and in the presence of restored cellular energy, will naturally expire and be carried off as waste.

All Medical and Alternative processes attempt to resolve Cancer issues by adding some external technique to somehow kill “Dying” cells. They inject chemicals, radiate, massage, give concoctions and subject the body to external activities in the name of KILLING Cancer.

The most noninvasive and passive approach to restoration of a condition caused by lowered energy of the body’s cells is to restore the function of the Blood.

This can be seen in the pictures or in videos (above) of people who have drunk 4-8 ounces of this amazing natural water and were retested after just 12-15 minutes.

The bottom line is this:
1. No disease can thrive in an alkaline body!
2. Acidity is a result of waste storage of toxins in the cells and accumulated fat storage on organs from “entrapping food acids in fat” to protect the organs.
3. Removal of the Acid byproducts is a function of the Blood and specific organs. ie. Kidney, lungs and lymph system.
5. A person NEEDS to drink an appropriate amount of water daily, which the body requires. You SHOULD to be drinking water that is structured and sized to be absorbed by the body and blood.

Present commercial sources of bottled, filtered, flavored, mineralized, oxygenated water is generally processed through the stomach and then to the Bladder. Less than 20% typically, can permeate the body’s portals to reach the blood or interstitial fluids.

a. Typical Bottled waters and filter systems contain large clusters of water molecules, having lost hydrogen through their processing. They exhibit a positive electrical charge of hundreds of millivolts. (definition of Free Radical is anything that requires negative charged ions/electrons to rebalance it) At best, they are Free Radical liquids without impurities.

b. Large clusters of water cannot pass through the natural channels of the body into the inner system of blood and interstitial fluids. They pass into the stomach, out through the intestines and to the bladder without ever hydrating the body.

c. Bottled, filtered, insufficiently ionized water all exhibit the characteristics of being “Very pure Free Radical fluids” creating more damage than good and unable to hydrate the body. And they cost thousands of dollars per year more than Ionized restored restructured alkalized filtered tap water.
6. The Beneficial value of a) Restructured [Hexagonal water], b) Ionized, c) Alkalized water, is ranked in just this order.

Other Features of Restructured water:

  • Restructured Hexagonal water can be boiled, frozen, stored and it retains its restored natural ability. Note: never boil or heat any water in a microwave. It’s structure is destroyed by the microwaves.
  • “Ionized” is the addition of negative electrical charge or energy for the body.
  • Alkaline energy (negative Hydrogen Ions) creates the stress factor that determines the depth of detoxification of the cells. 9.5 pH water releases 10 times more toxins into the blood stream than 8.5 pH water.
  • Your kidney is the gateway of waste toxin removal. The kidney can only eliminate 17,000 to 19,000 Micro-Siemens of toxicity per hour in a healthy kidney. In fact the extra ions begin the acid reduction as the toxins are carried by the blood. Note: Any toxicity put into the blood stream that the Kidney cannot process, produces renal stress and discomfort. The remaining toxicity makes the blood toxemic and it carries the toxins to the lungs and lymph nodes for discharge. This is a discomfort issue, but must be regarded in people with Kidney disease. The companies that make ionizers warn not to give the alkaline water to people on Kidney dialysis without doctor supervision and approval.

Keith Flint
720 281-3965

see the solution to your health problems at

One Resolution that can TRULY CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.

It’s common to start every year with a list of Resolutions that we intend to keep!  So, How did that go for you last year?

Would you like to know of just one single Life Style change you can make that can have more impact in Quality of Life than any other option?

This is a Life Style change that is EASY TO KEEP! Something you do every day. Something simple!   DRINK WATER.

What? you say, “I drink water all the time”

NO you drink liquids, but aren’t likely to actually drink the water that your body was designed for.  IF you were drinking this water, you would lose weight, have more energy, sleep better, have more mental clarity, have many symptoms of Arthritis, Inflammation, Digestive disorders, Crones Disease, etc all  seem to disappear Naturally.

So you say, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”   NO! this is a reality that you need to discover for yourself.

One Change in your daily life can change every aspect of your Body, Health, Energy and Longevity! And to make it even more unreal, It could end up actually costing you nothing!

Interested?  Text me Keith Flint with the words “2017 Resolution” I’ll know what it is about.  I’ll connect you to information about how this water works, GOD’S WAY!  After all, HE designed your Body, didn’t HE?

I’ll explain why the structure of the water is critical to accomplishing what HE designed in your body to restore its normal functions. HE says that Life is IN the Blood!  the Blood is 92% water. What kind of water actually reaches the Blood to enable it?  I’ll tell you if you are really interested.

IS the Blood really critical to all the issues we talk about?  Let me ask you a simple question.  Would you put kerosene in your cars gas tank and expect to get the performance you want?  Then why would you expect to get the designed performance from your Body that God designed to function with the water of Nature that meets His specifications?

If you keep doing what you are doing and you are not getting a different result, doesn’t it make sense to try something different? Would you like to try this water for Free?  Text me your name, zip code, Try water 2017 Resolution and I will see if I can locate one of our people near you to provide you water for a month or more for your discovery.

Before I will send you into a friends home for this water, I will expect you to at least take a little time and educate yourself about it.  They shouldn’t have to try to explain it all.  go to

There are 9 Videos that will walk you through the Problem and the Solution to your Health.  It can CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 2017 and the rest of your life as well.

You can also text me that you want to be on my list to receive a text when I post new articles.  You can review the postings from the past year and I will be much more active in posting relevant information specific to this discussion during the months ahead.

I call myself “GodsWaterBoy” because it is HIS Water, I am simply the water boy!  it is all about serving others and being blessed as a result.

I will also add those who are seeking Prayer for their Health or a specific issue, simply Text me with the words “Prayer” and your issue.

God is Still on the THRONE!  Jesus Loves you! Life can be Great!

Keith Flint GodsWaterBoy (Click on the blue link to go to the website)

1-720-281-3965 Text phone  (please leave a name, issue)