Realities of our Modern Lifestyle.
by Keith Flint
Healthy Living Environment Specialist IAQ & ASHRAE Associate
In this day of convenience and fast lifestyle does the following sound familiar? Do you live with “Fast Food”, Processed & Packaged Boxed Food and instant Meals, Bottled Water, Drinks galore, a Mobile Society, and then come home to a “Living Environment” Sealed to save Energy?
We live in homes that are insufficiently lit with “Energy Saving” light bulbs, Stale, stagnant and pollutant filled air and lacking any Oxygen restoration. We lock the doors and plop into an easy chair in front of a Television for the remaining hours of the day and energy quickly fades.
What’s wrong with this picture? None of the above actually considers the Physical and Internal needs of the Human Body! Our American Society represents the wealthiest 1% of the 7 Billion people in the world, Spends more on Healthcare (Sickness Maintenance) in the world and is 37th in actual Health according to the World Health Organization. Cubans are Healthier than us. Many third World countries are Healthier than us!
We have ignored the most basic needs of the Human Body for convenience. We have exchanged our Health for a Culture of “Fast” everything. We consume more Prescription Medications than the rest of the entire World.
How are We going to Change all that? By replacing that which we have chosen to ignore!
We have lost sight of what is important to our life. Our Living Environment is not just a space to occupy, but a space that can supply the most basic needs of life. A space that provides the essentials of our body’s most basic needs.
Basic to Human Life are three items. Air, Water and Nutrition! Everything else is secondary.
What is wrong with our Air? Well, for starters, we are more concerned about comfort than we are Quality. We have sealed our living environment so tightly that no new air is resupplied and the pollutants of our living remain a soup of gasses and odors that we re-breathe long after the Oxygen Energy has been lost. We spill a glass of water on the carpet and in 24 hours we have Mold Spores wafting through our air. We have more Pets than any other nation and they shed Allergens into our “Breath of Life” source, our breathing space. Smoke, cooking odors, Skin cells (Dust), and all of the above constitute what we call “Air”, and we wonder that we are plagued with every sort of disease. Asthma is a respiratory issue, we can’t get enough Oxygen. Allergies, Sniffles, Dry Cough’s, Poor Sleep, Chronic tiredness, Lacking energy even Depression, can these actually be the result of something we can change? Do you question whether there is really any significance to the above?
When is the last time you came home, full of energy from being outside, with a feeling that you were going to accomplish the project that you have been waiting to do. Then you sat down on the couch to watch the evening News and within 30 minutes you didn’t have enough energy to get out of your seat? You had replaced the Fresh Outdoor Air with a stale soup of air, lacking any energy and your body is telling you so.
Did you know that when we put Men is Space for long periods of time that they have to have a source of Living Air? Bottled Oxygen is devoid of “Life”, it’s energy was removed by the processes of compression. Yes, It is Oxygen, but it lacks “Lifes Energy” Ask anyone on an Oxygen Canula how much energy they are getting from the Oxygen they are breathing.
So how does the astronaut’s air differ from our air? He really is living in a sealed environment. In the early 1970’s the problem was solved by a simple process. First, we all know that Humans give off Carbon Dioxide from breathing and Plants use Carbon Dioxide to grow and return Oxygen in the process. This was thought to be the solution. In fact, don’t most of us have many plants in our living environment? OOOP’s, we missed something. Both Humans and Plants also give off Methane into the air. Methane in a sealed environment would eventually kill both. But in your home it just becomes part of the soup you call air.
The problem was solved with a brilliant discovery. It seems that when Ultra Violet light strikes a surface that holds moisture (Water, made of Hydrogen and Oxygen) that molecules of H2O2 are released as a gas. The H2O2 simply Water vapor plus a single Oxygen. Not the Oxygen you breathe, but Single Oxygen Molecule, the most powerful agent of killing Mold, Virus, Bacteria, Odor and off gassing like Formaldehydes.
Since H2O2 is a Gas Vapor, it expands to fill the space and lies in wait for something that needs to be removed from the air. This product has been put in NASA buildings in their HVAC units to make the air healthy and breathable.
In the 1980’s the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) built a totally Modern New building in Washington D.C. for their people to move in to from a 100 year old drafty building. Within weeks of moving in to the New building with all of its modern Environmentally appropriate building materials and construction for Energy saving, etc, the people began to get sick. Whole departments asked to leave and return to their old building offices. The EPA, our guide to modern building practice, had built an “Unhealthy” Building.
So much for History, Let’s talk about what WE CAN DO to make a Healthy Living Environment for YOU!
We will begin with the common spaces of a multifamily facility. These areas are served with major distribution of air from Heating, Ventilating Air Conditioning (HVAC) units that supply, filter and distribute pre-comforted air throughout the buildings common spaces. The Ducts that bring the air to an area is the perfect place to insert one of the Air Restoration units so that the space is provided with Active air and Disease management at the same time.
These units are Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy devices and are called “REME™” units. They are both inexpensive and effective with long service life expectancy.
The “REME™” units can also be put in residential living spaces that have their own heating and cooling air sources. Doing so will keep the air in the home free of bacteria, virus, mold, cooking and pet odor’s and provide a healthy active oxygen rich air supply for the occupants.
Wow! Who would have thought? OH! By the way, Did you know that the earliest of these (similar) units were purchased by the Chinese Government, to contain and destroy the original “SAR’S” outbreak in China? China took the company’s entire manufacturing production for several months and installed units in their Bus Terminals, Subways, Train Stations and other public places. This action stopped the spread of the SAR’S disease completely.
The U.S. Government Research Agency at Sandia, New Mexico has issued the test results of the technology showing that it Killed the H1N1 Virus (H5N1 surrogate) 100% in 10 hours, 58%in one minute, on surfaces where the air reached. By the way, this virus was called the “Bird Flu” and was expected to become a pandemic. The H1N1 Virus had a survival rate of 17 days in a hostile environment, but it was totally destroyed in its first generation and it could not multiply. I had the privilege of installing this technology in Terminal C at Houston’s George W Bush International Airport.
The air you breathe most certainly effect’s your health and quality of your life.
Also, “NO Disease that is spread by person to person” can live and be spread within such a dwelling or the common spaces that are shared.
What? Isn’t all water just water? I mean what about Bottled water and Brita™ filters and things like that?
Well, it’s time for some education here also. It seems that we have fallen prey to believing all the advertising and sales pitches of TV.
Let’s start with understanding just how important water is to life. Then we will discuss the differences in water sources.
- Your body is over 75% water. a 160 lb person is made up of 120 lbs of water in their body, tissue, blood and organs.
- The Human body loses ½ ounce of water per pound weight every day. That amounts to 80 ounces (just over 1/2 Gallon) of water lost to breathing, sweating and urinating every day.
- The average person drinks everything but water. The normal Grocery store has over 1,000 linear feet of shelving full of every other drink to appeal to your taste. None of which serves the purpose of water for Health.
- No LIFE exists without water, ANYWHERE.
- So who pays attention to consuming water daily? Well many today drink bottled water all day. You see people carrying their bottles everywhere. BUT! What are they drinking?
- Bottled water while being advertised as “Pure” is the least healthy water you can drink. In removing the impurities, the water molecules are stripped of most of the Hydrogen leaving a significant amount of Hydroxyl formation. The Hydroxyl is the most Oxidizing element in Nature. We normally call such a condition a “FREE RADICAL” The average bottled water is about 50,000 times lacking in Hydrogen and is damaging to the body. see an interesting demonstration at Alkalized Water Demo
- Major Doctors have attempted to call attention to the importance of the RIGHT water. Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Developer of the Colonoscopy Process, has treated over 400,000 people with serious Colon issues and returned their colon‘s to youthful appearance and performance in 90 days, with nothing more than a diet change and instructions to drink a specific Restructured water. (Video available)
- While the internal needs of the Human Body requires a quality of water that is returned to Nature’s specification, the external requirements of the skin is a mildly acidic water at around 5 to 6 pH. The Skin is the largest organ of the body. It requires a mild exfoliant.
- The list of Diseases that are a direct result or adversely effected by Dehydration and or Cellular Acidity is astonishing, yet we don’t treat the source of such conditions, we take Prescription Medications to alleviate the Symtoms.
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Acid Reflux
- Migraine’s
- High Blood Pressure
- Fibromyalgia
- Crohn’s Disease
- Cancer
- IBD Irritable bowel syndrome
- Kidney Disease
- Hypertension
- Skin disorders
It is obvious that Water is more than just some liquid that we use every day. IT IS VITAL to life itself. The Water Restoration Product that we recommend’s Motto is “Change your Water, Change your Life!™”
The research and Testimonials are endless, showing the benefits of having the right water for the right applications.
A Quality Water Ionizer placed in the Kitchen (on or Under Counter units) will provide 7 Grades of living water.
- Three are specific for normal drinking (8.5; 9.0 and 9,5pH)
- One is for taking medication and Baby formula (7.0 filtered only)
- 5 pH Beauty Water for Face, Hands and Skin
- 2.5 pH Disinfecting Water (used in Hospital Surgeries)
- 11.5 pH Cleaning Water (Emulsifies Oil and removes Pesticides from fruit & Vegetables)
You can also get an “Unique” spa filter for the bathroom, that provides tub or shower water adjusted to the proper pH and Mineral Spa comfort. No longer needing special shampoo’s or soaps and no expensive lotions to deal with skin dryness or burns from Chlorine.
The Testimonies and Research show that proper amount of water intake daily of this Alkalized Water provides the Body with energy and Hydrates the Blood within just a few minutes. This water enhances the delivery of Oxygen, Nutrients and Energy to every cell of the Body. It also is shown to remove the Acidic waste from the cells, restoring natural Alkalinity to the body.
This Ionizing product was originally designed for Hospital use and is certified in Japan for such. The Domestic units are exactly the same and have a useful life expectancy of over 20 years of hard use. They make an excellent appliance in the modern home, bringing Health to all.
You can see that there is a real choice to make in providing a Healthy Living Environment for the residents of all living facilities, whether individual homes or Multifamily Apartments or Condominiums.
Ask for specific information or documentation of any of the above claims. It is available from
The Building Industry is attempting to create a WELLNESS STANDARD for new buildings, defining safe building material choices. Unfortunately, they are identifying the problem correctly, yet applying old Legacy methods as if they were solutions.
Our Technologies properly installed, eradicate all out-gassing of chemicals from new building materials, paints, carpets as well as dealing with the issues in present dwellings of all types.
The difference is that, WE TREAT THE CAUSE and eliminate it, where they have no clue! We restore the Healthy Living environment that helps people recover from their long term exposure to poor living conditions.
We earlier mentioned food products and their impact on our society. We can’t directly effect change in people’s habits, but we can give their bodies the ability to function better in handling poor eating habits.
In a facility that embraces the Healthy Living Lifestyle protocols, we will have a more receptive client that will accept new information about food choices. In fact, our Specific, Alkalized water is the choice of many High End Restaurant Chef’s, in their kitchens and Culinary presentations.
In conclusion, the right choices for Indoor Air Management and Water treatment devices can truly make a significant Healthy Living Environment sustainable and worthy of promoting as a benefit of the facility. There are obviously other factors that can be addressed, but these are the most fundamental early decisions and choices that must be faced, to achieve the desired end results.
Information is available from
Keith Flint (Indoor Air Quality –IAQ- and Molecular Hydration Specialist) Partner at Praxis Design Architects )
720-281-3965 Text (inquiries invited) 720-281-3965 Cell