When you think about what a Body needs, Daily, three things come to mind. Air, Water and Nutrition! And yet, the world is full of attempts to sell you every thing except the best of the above.
What would it mean to you to discover that you could have a Machine in your kitchen that restores your local water to the quality of a Snowflake? Pure, Energized, Natural and Healing!
AND that the water you produced could be shared with your family and friends with amazing results coming back to you. Acid Reflux gone; Gout gone; Irritable Bowel Syndrome gone; Arthritis gone; Energy restored; Sleep improved; Mental clarity renewed? and the list could go on and on.
A pipe dream? NO! A fact!
Really, Water can do that? Well, what is your body supposed to be 75% of? …..Water! BUT, Isn’t all water pretty much the same? Not in this world.
check out this independent brief web video Alkalized Water Demo.
Now, what if the Company that produces this machine was a privately held, business that wanted you to share the water your machine produced. Don’t you think that they would want to reward YOU the customer, for referring those like yourself who wanted a unit in their kitchen for the rest of their life?
Supposing that this water was so effective that if you shared it, people began to discover the results in their own body, proven by medical tests showing restoration of cholesterol levels, lowered blood pressure, increased Oxygen delivery, improved Liver enzymes, etc Don’t you think that they would be asking you “How can I get a machine like yours?”
Well 10 years ago, I started sharing water freely, no gimmicks, no pressure, no underlying sales efforts, with my friends, FROM MY KITCHEN! They began to come weekly to refill their bottles, sometimes from over 90 miles away! and yes, they began to ask “How do I get a machine like yours?”
That was 10 years ago, today I have a plastic bin with over 5,000 referral check stubs in it. I have people with every kind of testimony of how the water helped their body restore itself and the disease symptoms that it shed.
By the way, yes the machine cost nearly $4000 back then. But it paid for itself in just 3 months and has been a steady income ever since.
You say, ” You must spend a lot of time and travel to make that kind of money!” LOL, I spent about 18 months sharing from my kitchen, doing a few small meetings in friends homes answering questions and a couple of citywide Hotel meetings to educate others. But after 18 months, retirement circumstances put me in a new community many miles from my 28 years of relationship building in Oregon. My living in a 2nd story condominium, with limited parking made giving water away nearly impossible. And I desperately needed a Retirement break to spend time with my grandchildren. YET! the checks just kept coming in!
I’m not here to tell you that every person who shares the water will have the same result that I had, but there have been over 32 who have exceeded a 6 figure income over the past years that got started because I shared water from my home.
Doesn’t it make sense to take a little time to discover about a water that can change your Life, not only in it’s Health, but in your Wealth also?
Please check out 9 videos about the water and the worlds problem with whats available to you at this time. www.HSCWater.net/keithf
Or perhaps www.ChangeToWater.com/PurifyingH2O
OR if you have questions, please text me that you would like a call. Keith Flint (GodsWaterBoy) 720-281-3965
Have a truly Blessed Life! Drink enough good water to make a difference.