What does WATER mean to your Health?

The 1 minute video below will show a typical response to drinking just a few ounces of this water.

Video showing the effect of Alkalized Water on the Red Blood Cells.     NOTE: When your Blood is Hydrated and functioning as it should,  it will continue maintaining EVERY ORGAN and CELL in your Body.

Your Red Blood Cells when activated with Hexagonal water carry Energy, Oxygen, nutrition, Hemoglobin to your Cells and Toxic Waste byproducts (ACID) from the cells to the Kidneys for removal.

cropped-blood-system.jpgCan WATER really make a difference with..?

  • Arthritis,
  • Digestive tract disorders,
  • Headaches,
  • High Blood Pressure,
  • MS,
  • Lupus,
  • Cancer,
  • Diabetes,
  • Crohns Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Colitis
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia
  • etc.

Lets look at some Facts.

The picture above illustrates that your body is actually many miles of Blood distribution! Your BLOOD is the single most important part of your ability to maintain good Health and/or Restore your Health.

All “Disease” is actually a developed “Condition” and unless it is reversed and restored, the only thing a Medication can do is “Mask” it or control the symptoms! Healing is dependent on Restoring Function and Performance. We need to correct the defect, to eliminate the symptoms!

Since YOUR Blood “Services” every cell and organ of your body, it makes sense that the quality of your Blood plays a key role, AND IT IS DEPENDENT ON THE WATER YOU DRINK!


Having just seen the AMAZING Demonstration above, lets get back to the job your Blood is supposed to be doing to maintain your Health.

Scripture says that “LIFE is IN the Blood!” and Medical Science says that your Blood is 92% WATER!

What is the job of Red Blood Cells? To provide Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, to your Cells and Waste & Carbon Dioxide Removal from the Body.

What is it that Carries Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, CO2 & Waste?

Your Red Blood Cell‘s are the primary transporters of these essential supplies to every cell of your body. Conversely, if the RED BLOOD CELLS are not Hydrated (water is a daily consumable reequirement of your blood function) and flowing freely, your ability to keep all your organs healthy suffers. look again at the 1 minute video above and the immediate impact that just 4 oz of this water has of the Bloods ability to perform.

Another example: Let’s look at “High Blood Pressure” which may be a result of either blockage and/or dehydrated Red Blood Cells. Viewing the video above, shows the Red Blood Cell’s that are stuck together like sludge cannot pass freely through veins and Capillaries.

The current medical solution for High Blood Pressure does not focus on removing the blockage or Hydrating, Instead the Doctor prescribes medications (Chemicals) that slow the heart down. Of course, your blood pressure drops, but so does the volume of Blood being delivered. The doctor claims success! “we dropped your blood pressure!

Your Blood pressure is down (slower heart beat) BUT the volume of Blood is insufficient! So now the Doctor prescribes a “Blood Thinner” to get more blood flow at the slower heart rate.

Question? Has YOUR Medication eliminated the Cause or treated the symptom? Was your blood pressure high because of blockage or because the blood was not Hydrated and had become sludge?

Blood comparison





Which blood condition above do you want? The Left is common for dehydrated people, the Right is the same person 12 minutes after drinking JUST ONE GLASS of Restructured water! Imagine drinking 3 quarts daily.

Your Doctor thins your blood in order to move it through an area of restriction, compensating for the “Sludgy” characteristic of the blood and putting you on a Maintenance program, taking a Prescription Medication for life. There’s no intent to actually remove the cause of the problem. Doctors are not allowed to suggest that they Cure anything, ever!

Your Lungs supply Oxygen and remove Carbon Dioxide. But, the Blood is what carries these necessary components of life!

YOUR personal Health is dependent on the Performance of your Blood to carry Oxygen, Nutrients and Waste.

Structured Water (Electrically Reduced Water- ERW) is the FUEL your Blood requires. Not Soda, Coffee, Tea, Energy Drinks, etc.

What are you putting in your Tank to fuel your Human Engine?

The Right Water is also necessary for maintaining your Digestive Tract.

Lets look at what happens in your digestive tract when you are not drinking adequate amounts of the right water on a daily basis. Especially if you have succumbed to the Culture of Convenience from our modern Food Services and are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) diet and your personal choices are not providing for sufficient water intake.

Dr. Shinya developed the colonoscopy process in 1968.

This short video shows actual COLONIC Conditions of the same person both, before and after Drinking Restructured Alkalized Water.

Dr Shinya, Chief Gastroenterologist, Beth Israel Med Center NY. (Retired)


 Your body’s Health is directly related to your intake of Air, water, and food, and They are not optional! YOUR choices will determine your results!   When these are provided at proper levels, everything else works as it should. Neglect any of them and your body pays the price.

IMPORTANT: (CLICK THE SENTENCE)  Watch a Video here for a POWERFUL Demonstration comparing different waters that you may be drinking compared to the Structured water of Nature!    (You will open this in a separate tab in your browser, return to get back  here in the blog.)
 Thank you for visiting my Blog and please share it with your friends.

Lewis Garvin on behalf of Keith Flint (cell phone +1 601-297-8500) Text me before calling, Please!  Keith went Home to be with our Lord in August 2021.

Otherwise, Text “your Name and Update me, FB blog” to +1 601-297-8500 to receive a text when I post updates or to request an opportunity to experience the water locally. I’ll see if I have a source near you.


A  broader education on about this water

  • why it is needed,
  • which bottled water is best,
  • how do I know I need it
  • and more
 Thank you for visiting my Blog and please share it with your friends.

Lewis Garvin on behalf of Keith Flint (cell phone +1 601-297-8500) Text me before calling, Please!  Keith went Home to be with our Lord in August 2021.

Otherwise, Text “your Name and Update me, FB blog” to +1 601-297-8500 to receive a text when I post updates or to request an opportunity to experience the water locally. I’ll see if I have a source near you.


I figure if you  got this far, you might be serious and so I will show you what few have had the  opportunity to see. Recent discoveries!

GOD’s Plan for OUR self Healing is a direct result of the proper Water to accomplish the Hydration of our Blood.

GOD states that “Life is in the Blood!” and HIS Natural Water, Hexagonal water, as seen in energized Rain and Snowflakes is the source of restoring the function of your Red Blood Cells! Ask for help in discovering THIS for yourself.

Lewis Garvin for Keith Flint GodsWaterBoy who has gone Home to be with the Lord (Personal cell phone-please text first, I am getting too many SPAM calls, OK?) +1 601-297-8500 

To receive a text when I Update this Blog, Please  (Text your “Name, Update me, FB)  to +1 601-297-8500

Thank you for visiting. I never use my site to attempt to capture your information and will not contact you, unless you request it. However, I am pleased to answer whatever questions you may have. Feel Free to Call.
You may want to view a number of additional videos at your leisure. You can view a library of quality videos to challenge your knowledge of the Science of Water, especially as to how it effects  your Health. HealthSuccessCenter.com/member/keithfli

Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, and many more Brain Disorders, How does Water effect the BRAIN?

Your Brain on water? understand why we have Brain Disorders!

Meet Doctor Corrine Allen, Renowned Brain Recovery Specialist.

Perhaps this video by Brain Specialist, Dr Corrine Allen, is one of the most powerful explanations of what “Hydration” does for the Human Brain and hence to the Human Body.

Her message is compelling and should be seen by all who are concerned about Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, and many more Brain Disorders.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to see and hear what she has to say about the effects of DEHYDRATION and the ravages that it takes on your body. It is possible that you could begin reversing your symptoms quickly and with near permanent results.

See her presentation on the Effects of Alkalized, Ionized Water on your Brain! She presented this at one of our Conferences. We were really blessed to have her there.

Your understanding will forever be changed about the question of            “Why should I drink water instead of ____ that I currently drink?”         (you fill in the blanks)

This is a challenge you cannot afford to turn down!   It’s about the quality of your later years and the likelihood of becoming a burden on family because you didn’t know what to do to avoid these pervasive diseases.

After seeing her information, you need to hear from a Medical Doctor with years of research and his comments about Modern Medicine and how over the years, our Medicine and our Food supply got off track!

Dr Tim McKnight MD MS FAAFP


If you would like to receive a text when I update this Blog, please send a text to me at 719-2621-9631 with (Name, Updates, Blog, Zip code)

Keith Flint    GodsWaterBoy

Personal phone 720-281-3965 (Please text before calling! too many spam calls)


Can Alkalized Water Really Change Your EVERYTHING?


Click on the Blue link, then on the pop up link when it appears. The Essence of what is taught is explained at each session which will remain on each new tab in your browser. Simply return to this original Tab to review the following week’s agenda. Happy Discovery, enjoy the trip!

Week 1 ~ WATER RESTORED BACK TO NATURE. “If Water isn’t Water, then what is it?” See a demo that will change your life through knowledge. Be challenged to drink ¾ oz. per pound per day.

Week 2 ~ CHANGE YOUR WATER, CHANGE YOUR BLOOD ~ Minimize your dependence on prescription medications by restoring the body’s control of itself. YOUR blood is the cleansing and delivery system of life.

Week 3 ~ CHANGE YOUR WATER, CHANGE YOUR BODY! ~ Lose weight naturally through cellular detoxification with water.

Week 4 ~ Change Your Water, Change Your Home ~ Eliminate the toxic chemicals from your home. Discover cooking/cleaning/disinfecting with the different strengths of Alkalized water. This one REALLY will get your attention! A truly green home is a Alkalized water home.

Week 5 ~ Change Your Water, Change Your EVERYTHING! ~ Health, longevity and quality of life depend on the water you drink;
• Focus on the function of the Blood in providing the vehicle of self cleansing, cellular restoration, exercise energy, better sleep, increased mental clarity, etc.

Week 6 ~ Change Your Water, Change Your Wallet ~ See how making a health conscious decision of changing the water in your household can impact how much money you can save AND possibly make;

I am Keith Flint a Health Restoration Advocate. If you are interested in how I can help you make your home, family and life Healthier! then Please Text me today with your name and lets talk. +1 720 281-3965 or email to keith@GodsWaterBoy.com.

Why do we believe that Doctors and their Prescribed processes will HEAL US?

Why do we believe that Doctors and their Prescribed processes will HEAL US?  They themselves will not state that they can cure anything! in fact they know that they can’t.

The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.

Don’t get me wrong, If I break a leg, have a heart attack or other physical thing that needs REPAIR, I will go to a Doctor.  BUT I will not participate in their suggestion that I take a Prescription Medication nor will I submit to an unsafe procedure.

Why? Because they do not cure, they place  you on a Medication that requires that you continue to take it, as Maintenance of Symptoms. They do not CURE anything.

See the Statistics of the number of Deaths from Official Medical Procedures in the United States. Click on the Source Documents (VIEW) for each issue.  Also REVIEW “Deaths by Medicine” posted at http://godswaterblog.com/463-2 

You will be shocked at the detail and verification of the Studies.  Seriously, please click on the link above!

Which ones do you participate in?

Keith Flint, Caring about you. Change your water, Change your Life

My name is Lewis Garvin. Keith Flint was one of my best friends and Brother in Christ. In August of 2021, Keith went Home to be with the Lord. He is greatly missed here but he has just made it home before us. I will be trying to keep God’s Water Blog up the best that I can.

For a Text when I update this blog,

Text your “Name, Update, Blog or who referred  you” to  +1-601-297-8500  Thank you Lewis Garvin for Keith Flint

Here are the Statistics!

According to the statistics, 1 in every 100 Americans will die this year by a DRUG RELATED or Medical Procedure Cause!
See www.pharmamurders.com or MEDICIDE for an overview of how Big Pharma, the FDA and the MHRA work.
And look at the Big Pharma Death Clock: http://pharmadeathclock.com/
Cause Deaths / Year Location Source
Chemotherapy 1,000,000 USA View 
Iatrogenic Deaths 783,936 USA View 
SuperBugs 700,000 Worldwide View 
Psychiatric Drugs (including suicides) 500,000 Western Countries View 
Hospital Errors 440,000 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR) 210,000 USA View 
Bedsores 115,000 USA View 
Opioids (includes prescription drugs & heroin) 111,000 Worldwide View 
Hospital Malnutrition 108,800 USA View 
Adverse Drug Reactions 106,000 USA View 
Medical Error 98,000 USA View 
Hospital Infections 75,000 USA View 
Abortion Deaths 47,000 Worldwide View 
SSRIs 40,000 USA
Surgery-Related 32,000 USA View 
SuperBugs 23,000 USA View 
Prescription Drugs 22,767 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae 22,000 USA View (P.27)
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) 16,500 USA View 
Opioids (pain relievers) 16,235 USA View 
Clostridium Difficile (C.diff) 14,000 USA View (P.29)
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) 11,285 USA View (P.31)
Benzodiazepines 6,973 USA View 
Anti-Depressant Overdoses 3,889 USA View 
Anti-Epileptic and Anti-Parkinsonism Drugs 1,717 USA View 
Systemic and Hematological Drugs 1,591 USA View 
Anti-Psychotic and Neuroleptic Drugs 1,351 USA View 
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus 1,300 USA View (P.30)
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus 1,300 USA View (P.30)
Acetaminophen-Related Deaths 980 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi 760 USA View (P.31)
Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) 600 USA View (P.29)
Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter 500 USA View (P.30)
Respiratory Drugs 487 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Non-Typhoidal Salmonella 450 USA View (P.31)
Clindamycin-Resistant Group B Streptococcus 440 USA View (P.32)
Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 440 USA View (P.26)
Cardiovascular Drugs 354 USA View 
Barbiturates 296 USA View 
Autonomic Nervous System Drugs 263 USA View 
Anesthetics and Therapeutic Gases 195 USA View 
Erythromycin-Resistant Group A Streptococcus (GAS) 160 USA View (P.32)
Hormones, Insulins and Glucocorticoids 147 USA View 

Which of these Medical Processes do you use?

So according to the statistics, 1 in every 100 Americans will die this year by a DRUG RELATED Cause!
See www.pharmamurders.com for an overview of how Big Pharma, the FDA and the MHRA work.
And look at the Big Pharma Death Clock: http://pharmadeathclock.com/
Cause Deaths / Year Location Source
Chemotherapy 1,000,000 USA View 
Iatrogenic Deaths 783,936 USA View 
Hospital Errors 440,000 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR) 210,000 USA View 
Bedsores 115,000 USA View 
Hospital Malnutrition 108,800 USA View 
Adverse Drug Reactions 106,000 USA View 
Medical Error 98,000 USA View 
Hospital Infections 75,000 USA View 
SSRIs 40,000 USA
Surgery-Related 32,000 USA View 
SuperBugs 23,000 USA View 
Prescription Drugs 22,767 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae 22,000 USA View (P.27)
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) 16,500 USA View 
Opioids (pain relievers) 16,235 USA View 
Clostridium Difficile (C.diff) 14,000 USA View (P.29)
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) 11,285 USA View (P.31)
Benzodiazepines 6,973 USA View 
Anti-Depressant Overdoses 3,889 USA View 
Anti-Epileptic and Anti-Parkinsonism Drugs 1,717 USA View 
Extended Spectrum – Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Enterbacteriaceae 1,700 USA View (P.30)
Systemic and Hematological Drugs 1,591 USA View 
Anti-Psychotic and Neuroleptic Drugs 1,351 USA View 
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus 1,300 USA View (P.30)
Acetaminophen-Related Deaths 980 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi 760 USA View (P.31)
Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) 600 USA View (P.29)
Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter 500 USA View (P.30)
Respiratory Drugs 487 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Non-Typhoidal Salmonella 450 USA View (P.31)
Clindamycin-Resistant Group B Streptococcus 440 USA View (P.32)
Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 440 USA View (P.26)
Cardiovascular Drugs 354 USA View 
Barbiturates 296 USA View 
Autonomic Nervous System Drugs 263 USA View 
Anesthetics and Therapeutic Gases 195 USA View 
Erythromycin-Resistant Group A Streptococcus (GAS) 160 USA View (P.32)
Hormones, Insulins and Glucocorticoids 147 USA View 
Anti-Infectives 114 USA View 
Diuretics and Other Drugs, Medicaments, and Biological Substances 56 USA View 
Drug-Resistant Shigella 40 USA View (P.31)
Topical Drugs 34 USA View 
Legal Abortions (Deaths of Mothers) 10 USA View 
Total Drug related deaths per year in the USA

Annual Deaths of unborn children via Abortions Average of last 38 years 1,394,737




Hydrating YOUR BLOOD! The first step back to Health!

Hydration!  The first step back to Health!

AND Perhaps, one of the most clearly stated causes of Health Failure is simply “DE-Hydration”   I have posted Dr Corrine Allen’s address on this in my blog site in last Aprils post.

Dr Corrine Allen “Your Brain on water!”

Anyone who is attempting to help others in their health recovery, regardless of what method or Supplement they use will find this totally enlightening, actually captivating.  “Dehydration” is central to ALL Brain disorders, like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, Memory loss, Foggy mental state, Chronic Fatigue, etc.

Unfortunately, knowing the cause doesn’t help if you don’t know the cure!

All water is not Equal”  see previous post on my blog “If water isn’t water, then what is it?”  You are in for a surprise if you haven’t discovered the number of diseases that re-mediate quickly in people who are drinking Alkalized, Ionized, Re-structured water.  And NO! It is not the fact that it is Alkaline, though there are important reasons for it being so.  It is more about the delivery of Active Hydrogen to the Human Body. Active Hydrogen provides a significant “Anti-Oxidant” Electron energy source in the water.  Also the Excess Hydrogen is able to help the damaged water molecules get restored (restructured) back to it’s natural state.

You can see the impact on an average person’s Blood restoration in just 12 minutes after drinking only 4 oz of this water.  You will want to see my blog “Change your Water, Change your Blood!” a one minute video will amaze you. Watch the Red Blood Cells become energized, separated and active after previously having been clustered, sluggish and in Rouleau formations.

View the Life impacting  information of the Science supporting this reality. visit a Private Website with 9 video’s showing the Blood, the digestive and Colon restoration (Dr. Shinya, co-inventor of Colonoscopy) and Skin disorders like shingles, psoriasis, burns etc and how they respond to a certain grade of water. You can view the private site at http://HealthSuccessCenter.net/keithf   You will receive a  private pass-code to access the site by email.

Did you know that the Surgery Rooms of some of Japan’s Hospitals disinfect their facilities, wash their hands and even clean out the chest cavities of open heart surgeries with a 2.5 pH water

Did you know that MRSA, Staph, Strep, Listeria, Ecoli, and other serious infectious Virus’s and Pathogens are 99.99% destroyed in 30 seconds of exposure to this 2.5 pH water?

I have personally been on this water for the last 12+ years.  At 70 I functioned like an 80 year oldArthritis, Diabetes, Over weight, Acid Reflux, Constipation and Irregularity, Fibromyalgia,  Nerve Damage from a broken back and more.  Today at 81 I function like a 50 year old.  More energy, endurance, no medications, no arthritis, bowel movements within the hour after eating (a normal I didn’t know existed) better sleep, more mental clarity and can out work most 50 year old men I know.

My word for 2019 is “Discovery!”  There is plenty of information available today, but, what you personally experience trumps it all.  Discover for yourself.  Text me for possibility of finding a local source for you to experience this for yourself and your loved ones.

Blessings on you,


Gods Water? It’s HIS water, designed to Fuel the Life Force in you.

Check video of what I call Gods Water

Your body should be 75% water! but it’s not if you are not getting the water it was designed for. NO! what you are drinking is not WATER, it is a liquid solution and if you drink Bottled water, you are actually getting “Free Radical Liquid” in the name of “PURE WATER!”  ask me for proof!

WaterBoy?  that’s me.    Keith Flint     720-281-3965    Cell/Text

Hydration and Health. YOUR “first step” back to Health!

Hydration and Health. The first step back to Health!


Perhaps, one of the most clearly stated causes of Health Failure is simply “DE-Hydration”   I have posted Dr Corrine Allen’s address on this in my blog site in last Aprils post.


Anyone who is attempting to help others in their health recovery, regardless of what method or Supplement they use will find this totally enlightening, actually captivating.  “Dehydration” is central to ALL Brain disorders, like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, Memory loss, Foggy mental state, Chronic Fatigue, etc.

Unfortunately, knowing the cause doesn’t help if you don’t know the cure! “All water is not Equal”  see previous post on my blog “If water isn’t water, then what is it?”  You are in for a surprise if you haven’t discovered the number of diseases that re-mediate quickly in people who are drinking Alkalized, Ionized, Re-structured water.  And NO! It is not the fact that it is Alkaline, though there are important reasons for it being so.  It is more about the delivery of Active Hydrogen to the Human Body. Active Hydrogen provides a significant “Anti-Oxidant” Electron energy source in the water.  Also the Excess Hydrogen is able to help the damaged water molecules get restored (restructured) back to it’s natural state.

You can see the impact on an average person’s Blood restoration in just 12 minutes after drinking only 4 oz of this water.  You will want to see my blog “Change your Water, Change your Blood!” a one minute video will amaze you. Watch the Red Blood Cells become energized, separated and active after previously having been clustered, sluggish and in Rouleau formations.

View the Life impacting  information of the Science supporting this reality. visit a Private Website with 9 video’s showing the Blood, the digestive and Colon restoration (Dr. Shinya, co-inventor of Colonoscopy) and Skin disorders like shingles, psoriasis, burns etc and how they respond to a certain grade of water. You can view the private site at http://HealthSuccessCenter.net/keithf   You will receive a  private pass-code to access the site.

Did you know that the Surgery Rooms of some of Japan’s Hospitals disinfect their facilities, wash their hands and even clean out the chest cavities of open heart surgeries with a 2.5 pH water?  Did you know that MRSA, Staph, Strep, Listeria, Ecoli, and other serious infectious Virus’s and Pathogens are 99.99% destroyed in 30 seconds of exposure to this 2.5 pH water?

I have personally been on this water for the last 9+ years.  At 70 I functioned like an 80 year old.  Arthritis, Diabetes, Over weight, Acid Reflux, Constipation and Irregularity, Fibromyalgia,  Nerve Damage from a broken back and more.  Today at 78 I function like a 45 year old.  More energy, endurance, no medications, no arthritis, bowel movements within the hour after eating (a normal I didn’t know existed) better sleep, more mental clarity and can out work most 45 year old men I know.

My word for 2016 is “Discovery!”  There is plenty of information available today, but, what you personally experience trumps it all.  Discover for yourself.  Text me for possibility of finding a local source for you to experience this for yourself and your loved ones.

Blessings on you,


Gods Water? It’s HIS water, designed to Fuel the Life Force in you. Your body is 75% water! but not if you are not getting the water it was designed for. NO! what you are drinking is not WATER, it is a liquid solution and if you drink Bottled water, you are actually getting “Free Radical Liquid” in the name of “PURE WATER!”  check it out at HERE

WaterBoy?  that’s me.    Keith Flint     720-281-3965    Cell/Text

Crohn’s Disease! They tell you “it can’t be cured!” Really?

 The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.
To illustrate what I have been saying in recent posts, watch Dr Shinya’s 5 minute video as an example of the effect of his diet and Restructured Water.
Colonic Appearance Before and After Drinking Restructured Water.
For those suffering from Crohn’s Disease, most have been given little or no encouragement or promise of relief by Medical Science.
However, there may be some benefit by a new way of looking at the problem.
Crohn’s is a “Condition” that occurs in the digestive system. It has many symptoms in common with “IBS” (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Also the symptoms are similar to “GERD” and “Acid Reflux” or in the milder form,  periodic “Indigestion
According to a google search on Crohn’s Disease you find statements like these:
  • Can’t be cured, but treatment may help
  • Requires a medical diagnosis
  • Lab tests or imaging often required
  • Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong
  • Crohn’s disease can sometimes causes life-threatening complications.
  • Crohn’s disease can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and fatigue. Some people may be symptom free most of their lives, while others can have severe chronic symptoms that never go away.
  • Crohn’s disease cannot be cured.
  • Medications such as steroids and immuno-suppressants are used to slow the progression of disease. If these aren’t effective, a patient may require surgery.
  • Patients with Crohn’s disease may need to receive regular screening for colorectal cancer due to increased risk.

So, lets identify the common symptoms which appear to mostly be related to a Highly Acidic Digestive Tract, Ulcerated Stomach, Leaky Gut and other similar explanations.

REALLY?  Up until the 1950’s most of these issues simply didn’t exist. BUT, neither did “Super Markets“, Major Food Packaging Corporations, Pasteurization or Homogenization of milk, and other Cultural changes in our Food Industry.

You see, in order to avoid their products causing food poisoning, the Food Processing and Packaging Corporations resorted to “irradiation of foods to kill “Enzymes

Enzymes are the Natural portion of all foods that cause rotting, or self digestion.  God designed the Stomach to digest food with Enzymes both from the food itself and from Saliva. Enzymes were the enemy of massive food distribution because there would be no shelf life.

Even Canned foods were treated to avoid spoiling on the shelves. In the 50’s both Microwave and Nuclear radiation began to be used for this purpose.

Fruits and Vegetables were picked weeks before they had completed their full ripening in order to be able to stock the stores days to weeks later.  They would have begun to rot within days in the stores if they were properly ripened.

As a result of this lack of a natural digestive process, our stomachs had to emit excess ACID to attempt to dissolve our food in the stomach. This appears to be the source of ALL Digestive Tract disorders, including intestinal and Colon problems.

Actually, one of the Worlds Leading Gastroenterologist’s, Dr Hiromi Shinya, developer of the Colonoscopy process and the “Shinya Method” (note 1) of polyp removal by a “Snare Quartery” Has treated several hundred Thousand patients with a diet change and 3 quarts of Alkalized Water daily.

I only know that I have heard of many people suffering from the above disorders who have had significant reduction of their symptoms, some even claiming that they are symptom free.  All of this from a moderate LifeStyle change, by Eliminating Dairy Products, Processed White Flour, Sugar laden drinks, and  then drinking 1 quart of Restructured water with each meal. Also reducing Red Meat to less than 10% of their diet, adding fish and poultry and significant quantity of Whole Grains.

The first step, to experience all of this, is to begin with removal of the Milk and Soda’s, then drinking 3 quarts of Restructured water daily.  Just this one change should be enough to give you confidence in making the changes you need to be healthy and more pain free.

You will notice that the Medical world does not have a solution. They consider an ACID Stomach NORMAL! They want to treat the symptom not the cause.  Many countries that get their food daily from the market are healthier than Americans who eat a Standard American Diet (SAD).

Fast foods may be convenient, but what’s in them and the way they are cooked can be destructive to your health in the long run.

There are thousands of People throughout the United States that have an ALKALIZING Water system in their home. As customers, many are only too willing to share the water freely for your discovery, as you would if you received personal benefits and possible healing because of the water.  Contact me if you would appreciate assistance in locating a sharing person in your community.

Before I will send you, a Stranger to someones home, I request that you “Self Educate” about the water at this Video Education site and visit with me for some guidance.


Please also view the many postings on the Right side menu. There is much to discover about how this water can effect changes in your Health.

Blessings on you.

Change your Water, Change your Life!™

Keith Flint (GodsWaterBoy)

+1 720-281-3965 Text (include name, and if you would like to receive notice of updates)

  1. ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiromi_Shinya
 Hiromi Shinya (新谷 弘実 Shin’ya Hiromi?, born 1935) is a Japanese-born general surgeon. He pioneered modern colonoscopic techniques, and invented the electrosurgical polypectomy snare now common on colonoscopes, allowing for removal of colon polyps without invasive surgery.

Was your New Years Resolution to improve your Health, Successful?

It is now time to consider how well we have followed this years Resolution to GET HEALTHY or LOSE WEIGHT!

This Book is a guide to what you need to share with  your  Personal Trainer. REALLY!  Your results using this guide will have the Success that  you have been longing for.   Keith Flint GWB

HERE IS A FLIP BOOK ABOUT YOUR FITNESS PROGRAM AND WHAT IS MISSING! It is a video, if  it is too small for viewing on your device, you can text me at 1+720-262-9631 request “Fitness eBook, your name, Zip code”

I’ll send you the eBook as both a PDF file and the FlipBook link.

Thank You, Now lets get on with the Blog Post for today!

Heres a brief video about Natures Design of water that allows for Salt water to evaporate, pure water molecules at temperatures near Freezing! Click the link.

Recent Discoveries about water by Scientists.

Review my several blogs on Fitness, Performance and IronMan Statistics.


Enjoy my Posts! let me know if there is something you would like to see posted here.  Keith Flint  text 7202-262-9631 with (Please post about xxxx) Include your name please.


Change your Water—Change your HOME! See why!

 Change Your Water, Change Your Home

~ Eliminate the toxic chemicals from your home.

Discover cooking/cleaning/disinfecting with the different strengths of Enagic’s™ Kangen©  water. This one will REALLY get your attention! A truly green home is a Kangen™ home.

  • In a Clinic seminar, I demonstrate ALL of the waters that the SD501 or K8 produces, with explanation and application. Click here and You can see this Demonstration of the Various properties of Kangen Water Explained. This data is so extensive that I will be devoting several blog posts in the future to them. The Research Data is rich in proof of efficacy of the waters. various terms are used such as Electrically Reduced Water (ERW) for Alkalized water and Electrically Oxidizing Water (EOW) for Disinfecting waters.
  • Here are the different waters the machine produces.
  • Disinfecting 2.5pH water. Disinfecting in Home kitchen uses, the everyday external use against cuts, infections, skin conditions, Not to mention Kitchen Counter cleaning, even brushing teeth and gargling. Ask me for copies of the Lab Results for 99.99% kill of eColi, Salmonella, Staph, Strep and MRSA, after only 30 second exposure to 2.5 pH spray. Text me at 720-262-9631!
  • Beauty Water. The proper pH for the Human Skin is 5.0 pH water.
    I love the reaction we get from those who have been using it. Look at the pH of the most expensive lotion or Skin Rejuvenation products.

A wonderful experiment, is to take an adolescent with acne and do a
1) Clean the face with 11.5 pH water that immediately emulsifies and removes the OIL from the Oily skin.
2) Spray or rinse the area with our 2.5 pH water that Disinfects the pores of all bacteria and infection.
3) Rinse the face with Beauty water, 5.0 pH water and let air dry. In most cases repeating this daily sees the skin renewed without acne. Truly the safest and least expensive, non chemical treatment method. It’s just a byproduct of the waters that the machine produces.

  • Clean water use when taking medications and for Baby formula. Alkalized Restructured water is so energized that if you take prescription medications with it, it will deliver the drug in a very short time and all at once, versus the expectation of the Drug company and Doctor. Why? because ALL other drinks, whether water, coffee, fruit juice, etc are all acidic and dissolve the pills slowly.

NOTE: ORAL MEDICATIONS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN with  Alkalized Restructured WATER. It will release the contents too rapidly. You should suspend drinking this water 30 minutes before taking medications and resume drinking this water 30-45 minutes after taking your meds.

Use tap, filtered, bottled water, coffee or juices when taking medications.

  • Drinking Waters Learn the differences between 8.5 pH – 9.0 pH – 9.5 pH Drinking waters.
  • I suggest this initial schedule in drinking Alkalized water for the first time.
  • Starting with 8.5 pH for a week, (if given 9.5 pH water, dilute 50% with other water)
  • 9.0 pH for a week, (if given 9.5 pH water, dilute 25% with other water)
  • Then move on to the 9.5 pH.
  • NOTE: If your body has distress on the higher level pH, return to the earlier setting for a week. Why? Because if you detox too quickly, you may experience some discomfort from a self-induced “Healing Crisis”.
  • ie. Headaches, Energized Blood expanding the capillaries of the Brain. Temporary.   Stomach/Bladder distress, The Kidney is being overwhelmed with Toxin removal, too quickly.  (dilute your water and increase volume you drink to slow the detoxing and flush the Kidney/Bladder). Diarrhea, Your digestive tract is removing toxins. This is a normal function of cleansing of your digestive tract! You’ve been taught that it is a sign of sickness.
  • Finally, our 11.5 pH water “the marvel of oil emulsification. We use this water for many Cleaning activities. such as removing pesticides, Herbicides and Growth Chemicals from  your Fruit, Vegetable and Meat cleaning. Also for Laundry, Stain Removal,Cleaning Kitchen and Bathroom counters, and more. NOTE: This is not an approved drinking water. It is 50,000 times more powerful than Tap Water.

When we hold weekly seminars, typically at a Chiropractors, Alternative Health Clinic, etc, we proceed with the following.

  • For those who attend our clinic’s we send people home with small samples of each of the waters to experience. (Small spray bottles properly marked) also send them home with a handout explaining the different uses.
  • We finish the evening with a Q & A session. with their experiences, Testimonies, Stories.
    The personal testimonies are truly priceless and rewarding to hear.

You can see examples of this action by clicking on the links here. or you could view my website  information Resources

Those who ask questions or want to get data such as Medical Research Abstracts can text me their name and question and I will respond with my best answer and Research papers if desired.

Text (Name, want contact, Specific water info, Zip Code) to 720-262-9631