The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.
There are a couple of statements that are repeated over and over by people who have heard the following.
- The water is only good for 72 hours!
- There is no such thing as Hexagonal water
- All water is the same! it’s just water.
- All ionizers produce the same thing!
Wow! lets get started. First where did the idea that the water is only good for 72 hours, give or take, come from?
In my opinion, when the first English speaking discoverers of the thrsr Water Ionizers began to demonstrate the differences between Alkalized water and all other normal sources of water they showed two factors. The waters Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) and it’s pH. They used Electrical meters to show the values of each as well as dye drops that revealed the pH of the water.
NOTE: see link at the bottom of this post to a special demonstration website that shows these properties clearly
ORP is actually the indication of the Absence or Presence of Hydrogen in a liquid. A Positive reading indicates the level of Absence of Hydrogen, also recognized as “ACIDIC” condition while the Negative reading indicated “EXCESS” Hydrogen (Alkaline) condition.
During a demonstration before a group of people, someone said “Hey, test my water!” to which the demonstrator said “Sure” But when the water was tested the ORP was non existent and He stated, “See your water is bad!” but the person from the audience announced “Hmm, You gave me that water last week!”
OOOPS! quickly the demonstrator exclaimed ” Oh, the water is only good for 48 to 72 hours!” Unfortunately, This comment has stuck and been repeated as a Truth.
Here are the FACTS! When Tap water is tested, it shows that it is missing Hydrogen (measures +300 mV average) which indicates many damaged water molecules sharing a few Hydrogen Ions. This is part of why water is called “Hard Water” and a drop on a surface mounds up rather than flowing out flat. otherwise known as “Surface Tension.” This is also called “Large Clusters” by some.
When making 9.5 pH water through an Ionizer, the Residual substances in the water, like chemicals, pharmaceuticals, bacteria etc, are attracted to the Negatively charged plates and out in the waste water, while the Positive plates attract excess Hydrogen into the drinking water collected. The Free Hydrogen is seen as a cloud in the water initially. Free Hydrogen Ions have a Negative Electrical charge. 9.5 pH water from a quality Ionizer machine will have about a -800 mV reading. This indicates a strong presence of Hydrogen.
Over the next several days if the water is measured several times the reading will drop to -500 mV, then to -200 mV and then zero or even slightly positive. WHY? because the hydrogen has sought out the damaged water molecules and attached, restoring the completeness of the water.
There is a Law in Science called the “Second Law of Thermodynamics” that states that you can neither Create Energy nor Destroy Energy! Energy can only change form. ie. Sunlight Rays give energy to plant life, plants grow fruit/berrys/ leaves. The food value transfers energy to life, the plant may be burned converting to heat, the ash may fertilize the soil, and so forth
SO WHERE DID THE ORP ENERGY GO? To the reconstruction of individual water Molecules. What would a water molecule look like if I could see it? Mickey Mouse in silhouette! the Head would be Oxygen and the Ears Hydrogen.
When one water molecule is attracted to another, they bond Ear (Hydrogen) to Head (Oxygen) to Ear to Head until they complete a 6 Molecule Hexagonal Ring!
Don’t believe me? look at the structure of EVERY SNOWFLAKE! The Crystal’s that form Snowflakes are ALL HEXAGONAL WATER RINGS! Like “Lego Blocks” they form the unique patterns of each Snowflake.
Scientist’s like Dr Mu Shik Jhon – What is Hexagonal Water, declares that you can Freeze and you can Boil Hexagonal water and it does not lose its form! Not until you add a substance to it creating a solution, does it attach to other things.
NOW HERE IS THE KICKER! THIS IS THE FORM AND SIZE OF WATER THAT GOES DIRECTLY TO THE INNER BODY AND ACTIVATES THE RED BLOOD CELLS! While all other waters simply go to the stomach, the Bladder and out of the body with little absorption, unable to Hydrate the Body.
See this effect in the video below.
SO we now know where the ORP went, but what about the statement that the water was only good for 72 hours?
The video above shows that the water quickly appeared in the Red Blood Cells, energizing and empowering them to become active in carrying Oxygen, Nutrition and Energy to the Cells of the Body, while taking the Waste out of the Cells to the Kidneys for removal as waste.
The Bloods function is mentioned more in detail in previous Posts such as “Change your Water, Change your Blood”
I will be writing on the subject that “All water Ionizers are the same” next.
Clue! They are not.
By the way, you might enjoy the 6 lesson series from the menu on the Left January and February 2016.
- If Water isn’t water, what is it?
- Change your Water, Change your Blood
- Change your Water, Change your Body
- Change your Water, Change your LIfe
- Change your Water, Change your Home
- Change your Water, Change your Wallet
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See a Powerful Demo video HERE