Is it true that water can have a positive impact on …..?
- Arthritis,
- Digestive tract disorders,
- Headaches,
- High Blood Pressure,
- MS,
- Lupus,
- Cancer,
- Diabetes,
- Crohns Disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Colitis
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s
- Parkinson’s
- Dementia
- etc.
To answer this question, we need to establish some Facts.
The picture above illustrates that your body is actually many miles of Blood distribution! Your BLOOD is the single most important part of your ability to maintain good Health and/or Restore your Health.
The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.
The 1 minute video below will show a typical response to drinking just a few ounces of this water.
This Video shows the effect of Restructured Water on the Red Blood Cells.
When your Blood functions as intended, it services EVERY ORGAN and CELL in your Body. Supplying Hydration, Energy, Oxygen, nutrition and Hemoglobin AND carries the waste byproducts (ACID) from the cells to the Kidneys for removal.
Scripture says that “LIFE is IN Blood!” Blood is 92% WATER! And, what is it that you are drinking? Liquids? Bottled Water? Energy Drinks? WATER? more on this question in a minute.
All “Disease” is actually a developed “Condition” and unless it is reversed and restored, the only thing a Medication can do is “Mask” it or control the symptoms!
Let’s ask a question: What is “DIS EASE?” (Noun) A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.
TO WIT: A Disorder of function in a Human that produces specific Symptoms and is not a result of Physical Injury.
NOTE: Symptoms occur AFTER an organ has become stressed or ineffective in accomplishing what it is supposed to do in your body’s system. The Function of Healing is effected by Restoring Function and Performance. In other words “We need to correct the defect, to eliminate the symptoms!”
So, lets get back to the job of your Blood
What is the job of Blood? Blood provides the circulating fluid with the Red Blood Cells (RBC) carrying Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, Waste, Carbon Dioxide through the body to provide for the function of Life and removal of waste.
What is it that Carries Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, CO2 & Waste? Your Red Blood Cell’s are the primary transporters of these essential supplies to every cell of your body. Conversely, if the RED BLOOD CELLS are not Hydrated and flowing freely, your ability to keep all your organs healthy suffers.
Another example: Let’s look at “High Blood Pressure” which may be a result of either blockage and/or dehydrated Red Blood Cells. Viewing the picture above, Red Blood Cell’s that are stuck together like sludge cannot pass freely through veins and Capillaries.
The current medical solution for High Blood Pressure does not focus on removing the blockage or Hydrating, Instead the Doctor prescribes medications (Chemicals) that slow the heart down. Of course, your blood pressure drops, but so does the volume of Blood being delivered. The doctor claims success! we dropped your blood pressure.
But! This does not solve the problem, does it? Your Blood pressure is down (slower heart beat) BUT the volume of Blood is insufficient and so now he prescribes a “Blood Thinner” to get more blood flow at the slower heart rate.
Question? Has he eliminated the Cause? or treated the symptom? Was your blood pressure high because of blockage or because the blood was not Hydrated and had become sludge?
Which blood condition above do you want? The Left is common for dehydrated people, the Right is the same person 12 minutes after drinking Restructured water!
Your Doctor thins your blood in order to get past the area of blockage or to compensate for the “Sludgy” characteristic of the blood and you are now on a Prescription Medication, Maintenance program for life. There’s no intent to actually remove the cause of the problem.
Now, Lets see what happens in the Gut when you are not drinking adequate amounts of the right water on a daily basis. Especially when eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet and insufficient water intake.
Dr. Shinya is the developer of the colonoscopy process in the 1968. This short video shows COLONIC Conditions and the Restorative impact after 90 days of Drinking Restructured Alkalized Water.
Dr Shinya Chief Gastroenterologist Beth Israel Med Center NY.
The Fuel and Distribution system of your body is your Digestive Process, the Blood System and your lungs. When these are functioning properly everything else works as it should. Neglect any of them and your body pays the price.
Your body’s Health is directly related to your intake of water, food and Air. It’s not rocket science. But the choices you make can have disastrous results and you wouldn’t necessarily recognize the cause and Effect.
watch a powerful video at the end of this post, that compares Restructured Alkalized water to Bottled water, Tap water, Soda’s, Premium waters, etc.
Since YOUR Blood “Services” every cell and organ of your body, it makes sense that the quality of the Blood would play a key role. The quality of water determines the performance of the Blood, just like the quality of Gas determines the performance of your car. Try running your car on kerosene!
For a thorough education in what this water is, why it is needed, which bottled water is best, how do I know I need it and more, I have a 9 video special website that will cover many of the questions that you might have. This Training is private, we will send you a password as it is by invite only,>please click on this link< and request your password to access. You can return as often as you like.
I will be writing on some of the conditions listed at the beginning of this post in the days ahead. let me know if you have a specific interest or questions,
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Keith Flint (cell phone 720-281-3965)
See scientific proof why most Bottled water should be labeled “Free Radical liquid“ instead it is sold as “Pure water“.
See video at Comparisons of Water