In the last post, we discussed the various “properties of Water“ which are generally available to us today. I also went into a scientific explanation of the terms used.
In the middle of the post I made the following comment;
Many have quit reading, back when I started talking like an Engineer. That’s too bad, because here is where we begin to understand how the water does what it does for LIFE of any kind, but Humans in particular.
Life is in the BLOOD! Your Blood should be around 92% water! BUT, the only water that can reach the blood in it’s proper form is the SINGLE RING OF 6 Molecules (seen in the structure of every snowflake) which matches the size of the portals in the body that pass the water into the Red Blood Cells.
Why the “Ring of Water?” Because it serves as a platform in the cell that allows it to CARRY OXYGEN, NUTRITION, ENERGY to the Cells and REMOVE THE WASTE CARRYING IT TO THE KIDNEYS and out of the body and of course, the Carbon Dioxide back to the lungs.
I also showed you a 1 minute video showing the immediate effect on the Red Blood Cells (RBC) from which point we will start today in making application of this information to your Fitness or other Exercise protocol. Lets review that video one more time.
I have taught this to several Certified Personal Trainers and had them prove it to themselves and their clients easily and effectively.
Let’s start with the common explanation of the standard Exercise Protocol.
- First you are introduced to a particular series of exercises that you will be repeating and increasing in the future.
- After a mild workout, you are scheduled to come back in about 3 days because your newly stressed muscles need several days to rebuild ( they will be sore) and theoretically, they explain that the muscles have to be “Torn Down” and need 2 days to REBUILD !
- The Certified Trainers have been taught about the various Muscle groups, ways to activate and exercise them and how to use various pieces of equipment to accomplish the desired results.
- They have been educated in Protein and Whey products to help “Build” Muscle.
SO! What is the MISSING LINK?
Natural, energized, Hexagonal restructured water!
“wait a minute, I drink lots of water”, you say.
Well, is “your water” part of the problem? or the solution?
Does your water let you do extreme activity EVERY DAY without Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness? DOMS! Because DOM’s is what you normally experience and you need “Recovery time.”
Drink a quart of our Natural but Restructured water before exercising and Expect to be able to do more, with less “Stored Lactic Acid” in your muscles.
- More effective workouts!
- Daily workouts with faster results
- No Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. (of course there will be some soreness from muscle use, but no deep pain and stiffness)
- Training for a competition? Do Double and Triple Workouts Daily! Just stay hydrated! Drink at 1 oz per pound weight daily of our water .
So, what else should I discover?
- More Energy
- More endurance
- More stamina
- less cramping of muscles
- No “Hitting a wall” (think marathon or biking)
Oh! Don’t be surprised if you lose between 10 or 20 lbs initially in the first several weeks. This water cleanses the digestive tract of your body and eliminates the long term build up of “Pounds of stuff” in your Colon!
See the impact on YOUR Colon and its restoration within days, certainly within the 90 days shown below.
OH! By the way, your Stomach issues will likely have disappeared. Things like Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acid Reflux and other digestive disorders may have disappeared because your stomach will have been restored to an Alkaline State along with the entire Intestinal Tract and Colon.
What else might I experience?
- Better Sleep and rest?
- More mental clarity?
- Less or No headaches?
- Better absorption of my supplements?
- The loss of the need for Medications for High Blood Pressure?
Well, I think you can see the picture.
Take a 30 day challenge at your Gym or Fitness Center. Ask your Personal Trainer to review this and ask me if I can supply our water for your discovery (Colorado Springs for sure, other places possibly)
Text “Your Name, 30 day challenge, zip code, Blog” to 720-262-9631 and let me see where you can get this experience.
Currently in Colorado Springs, Capri Fitness Center on Academy has the water. Ask for more info and I will pass it on.
For now, Blessings on your health and lifestyle from
Keith Flint 720-281-3965 Personal cell
Next post. What athletes use Alkalized Water? Really, a body builder who won World Competition twice, came out of 4 years of retirement and in 3 weeks won first in two areas in the Canadian Nationals. He prepared by doing TRIPLE, EXTREME, workouts daily with the water! Then he went on to win 3rd in the World in Greece, 3 months later. Boy, doesn’t that upset the apple cart. I thought it took a year of serious training to expect to win in body building!!
But that is next weeks, unless I get requests for more, sooner/