What are you changing in your life-Style, to improve your health ?

The Year is slipping away!  What have you done this year to improve your health?
Its been said that Insanity is continuing to do the same things, yet expecting to get a different result. If you aren’t willing to make some simple changes, get ready to discover what it’s like when your health continues to slide.
Easy to say isn’t it? But what can I do differently, than what I am doing? Good question.

How much water are you drinking? Are you drinking Juices, coffee, tea, Lemon water, bottled water, tap water, no water at all?

To start with, If you are not drinking water all by itself, then your body, which was designed to function at 70% of your weight in water, cannot thrive. it can only fail, the question is at what rate are you failing?

Everything that you drink instead of water is detrimental to your general health and would require that much more good water to compensate for the diuretic that you are choosing to drink. Oh, I know that your drink may have minerals, and vitamins, but that makes it a food, not water!

OK!, you say. What water should I be drinking? How about you drinking the water that your body was designed to utilize?

Question: Would you put kerosene in a Chevrolet Corvette? and expect it to perform well? No matter how many additives or supplements you put in the kerosene, I guarantee that the Corvette won’t perform AS IT WAS DESIGNED TO!

(Hint: You have never had the proper water that your body was designed for. You will never know the difference until you experience it for yourself. If I am right, then that is a very important choice to make. If I am wrong, just how is water going to hurt you? and wouldn’t you just love to prove me wrong?)

Your Blood is 92-95% water! period. OH! I mean it should be in order to function and provide life-giving support to your body at the organ and cellular level. But you don’t drink water?

HEY! isn’t all water, just water? NO, it is not. Bottled water, which is convenient and “Pure” is really, FREE Radical in liquid form. It’s properties may have excluded impurities, but it did so by removing so much of the Hydrogen that it measures highly oxidizing and destructive. It would have to scavenge thousands of Hydrogen electrons to even rebuild itself back to basic water! which it can’t do anyway. How about city water, Tap water from my kitchen?
Well, Tap water has been not been treated to remove bacteria, chemicals, pharmaceutical residue or anything else. It has been treated to stabilize the E coli (Coli-form count) to an acceptable level. Yes there is an acceptable level of feces allowable in the EPA standards. However, the same EPA requires that the pH be returned to a slightly alkaline state. about 7.2 pH is generally expected. Why do they require this? because they do not want the normally acidic water to destroy the pipes in the ground. They add Lye and other chemicals to the water. Your pipes aren’t taken into account.

Here’s a hint! Look at the structure of the crystal that forms a snowflake. You won’t find this natural form anywhere in bottled water, spring water, tap water. But you might just find a lot of it in Re-Structured water.

To witness this for yourself, here is a simple website that will reveal what you should know.

When you are ready to actually discover the science and reality about this source of water, then I ask you to Educate yourself at a website designed to do just that.

Then if you would like to know if perhaps we can find a source near you that would let you experience this water, text me your name and request a water trial. I’ll work to find you a source near you. They exist, we simply need to identify them and make arrangements. Our water is ALWAYS FREE! Those of us who own this Hospital Certified machine in our own homes, realize that the water is priceless. it would be stupid to put a price on what God gives freely. It’s value can best be experienced as a personal discovery!

You can text me at 720-281-3965. BUT, Please, first do a little self education by going to the links above.
Blessings on you.
Keith Flint

NEXT TIME: How many diseases are directly impacted by your Hydration level? You will be amazed!

Various Health comments by others this week.

I have had conversations with a number of new people this week and have been able to provide the different waters to them.

One with long lasting diabetes and common Glucose readings in the 200-400 range, in just 4 days drinking Alkalized

Water is seeing 150-160 readings.  Of course this is just a marker in the process of the body adjusting itself. It will be interesting to see what another 2 weeks brings.

A person with Psoriasis and Herpes outbreak is now using 2.5 pH water with good results. I hope we get pictures.  However, you can see pictures of several severe cases in our secure website   

2.5 pH water is highly documented with research articles as being powerful in killing a host of Bacteria, Viruses, fungi and Skin conditions.  MRSA, Staph, Strep, eColi, Listeria Monocytogenes, Salmonela, Athletes Foot and many other problems. Many are proven killed 99.99% in 30 seconds exposure.

This makes a great, non-chemical disinfectant for the home and children. Safe and very effective. Burn wounds, Sunburns, Abrasions and scrapes, cuts and sores, all become disinfected, cauterized, and begin healing.

Our standard Kitchen Countertop unit produces the 2.5 pH as well as Beauty Water (5 pH), clean water (non-ionized for taking meds), 8.5-9.0-9.5 pH for Drinking waters and 11.5 pH oil emulsifying water for removal of pesticides and herbicides from vegetables and fruits.

There are hundreds of uses of the different pH levels of water that the  water ionizer produces. The number of household products you now use, that can be replaced with a water, are extensive.

  • Asprin or Advil for headaches and sore muscles.
  • 2.5 pH for mouthwash
  • 11.5 pH to clean the face of oils, treating with 2.5 pH to kill bacteria in pores, finishing off with 5 pH Beauty water.
    •  just watch the pimples, acne and other blemishes disappear.
  • In the Bathroom, put you toothbrush in the 2.5 pH to soak, killing all bacteria.
  • Dental issues, soak dentures or brush teeth (better than tooth paste) Gum disease, rinse mouth with 2.5 pH for 1 minute.  better than Listerine!
  • Peridontal disease and teeth needing Root Canal surgery.  I have had personal experience, my wife has had also, and family and friends have exerienced the relief and remediation of infection within 24 hours of using as a mouth rinse several times a day. Infection is neutralized and soreness gone very quickly

Check check out the secure website for visual proofs.

Keith Flint    720-281-3965


Alkalized Water For Lifelong Health And Vitality

Alkalized Water For Lifelong Health And Vitality

Kangen Water For Lifelong Health And VitalitySome of our Baby Boomers think that ‘getting older‘ and ‘aging‘ are the same thing.

Not true! Getting older corresponds with the passage of time whereas aging relates to the breakdown of cells in the body.

Cell deterioration causes wrinkles, droopy skin, and sometimes weight gain. Not to mention that it sets the platform for onset Disease symptoms

Many of my Boomer friends feel their age is just a number. They don’t let that number define them. In order to continue doing all the things they love, they practice a Healthy Lifestyle which includes: adequate sleep, exercise, a plant-based diet, and drinking plenty of high quality Health restoring Alkalized water.

Continuous Hydration is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Choosing to drink the healthiest water is important.

As an active person, “Beyond the Boomer’s“, at 82  I am a product of the benefits from the ultimate, in-home water Treatment system manufactured by Enagic International. Enagic Kangen water not only tastes clean and delicious, it is Life Restoring! Once overweight, with acid Reflux and arthritis and other issues, this water has directly affected my present “Medicine Free, Healthy condition”. I may be 82, but I can outperform, outlast and outdo most in their 50’s. That is not a Brag! just a reality.

The Alkalizing ionization and filtration machine produces 7 different waters some of which help me neutralize aging-related free radicals. Others are used to cleanse our fruits and vegetables from oil based Herbicides and Pesticides and another disinfects cuts, wounds, burns, countertops, bathrooms and more. OH! Did I mention that it also produces “Beauty Water?” Water that restores the proper pH of the skin has amazing effects.

I am able to produce all the healthy Alkalized water I need by using my  water ionizer system to Restructure my local municipal water. It is simple and affordable.

I also appreciate the fact that it is eco-friendly.

I would love to share more information about alkalized water. Contact me today, Text your name and simple request to 720 281-3965!

Keith Flint
AKA GodsWaterBoy
Yoder, Colorado 720 281-3965 keith@GodsWaterBoy.com

Interesting conversation about Water Structure.

I shared information with a leader of a Group of people who deal with severe pain disorders.  I let her know that I do not attempt to sell product at meetings where I speak.  I do however, share the water freely with people that it might help. For most people, Discovery is more powerful than intellectual conviction. When people discover within themselves, no one will be able to change their mind.  Sometimes, Experience trumps Opinion and “so called Facts”.

I let the Lady know that I envy her for having had the opportunity to meet and speak with Dr Mu Shik Jhon, a renown Researcher of structured water. I’ve read some of his works. Having studied several researchers. I have concluded, in my opinion, why an Alkalizing Ionizer Machine can create a more natural, restructured water.

To explain it, I compare it to the lowly Snowflake.  A Snowflake comes from Natural atmospheric water, energized by passing through the magnetic lines of the Earth, and when at the right temperature and changing from Liquid to solid, the molecules explode into Hexagonal crystal structures forming the Snowflake. This building block is always a hexagonal crystal. The 6 molecules attach at a 60 degree offset, forming a 360 ring of molecules. This is the most natural energized form of water. See my scientific video at the end of this post.

Dr Hirst Filtzer, Retired Cardiologist from Harvard has suggested that the size of the channels in the esophagus and stomach is such that hexagonal water passes easily, while larger clusters of water cannot.  This water passes into the blood in the form of a platform to carry oxygen, nutrition and energy, and re-activating the red blood cells in just minutes. I have several videos showing this. one from a patient drinking as little as 4 oz. and another 16 oz.  We have been told that typical Well and City water may contain up to 20% of natural Hexagonal water. unfortunately, the stuff that comes with it is not so helpful to the Human Condition.

It seems like most of science focuses on studying interactions of individual molecules, where I see the Hexagonal form of 6 molecules is key to it’s effective utilization in improving Blood activity and hydrating the cells of the body.

See my scientific presentation

Blessings Keith Flint 720-281-3965 cell/text

Don’t treat Thirst with Medications!”

A Well stated summary of how your body reacts to “Lack of Water” Thanks to Lily Tyson
“You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty
wrote Dr. Batmanghelidj in his book “Your Body’s many cries for water

Here are 10 signs that you are dehyhdrated!”

Water makes up about two-thirds of your body weight, and a person cannot survive without water for more than a few days. Every cell, organ and tissue in the body depends on water. It plays very important roles, for instance:
• It helps maintain the balance of body fluids.
• It regulates and maintains body temperature.
• It lubricates your joints and eyes.
• It protects your tissues, spinal cord and joints.
• It helps your body remove waste products and toxins.
• It aids digestion.
• It helps control calorie intake.
• It helps keep your skin looking good and youthful.

Without water, your body would stop functioning properly. Hence, it is important to keep your body hydrated. To stay hydrated, drink fluids and eat foods rich in water content.
At times, your body may lose water more than usual. This can occur due to vigorous physical activity, excessive sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, diabetes and frequent urination.
This causes an electrolyte imbalance in your body, leading to dehydration and making it difficult for your body to function at its best.

1. Headaches and Lightheadedness
Headaches and lightheadedness are some of the possible signs that your body lacks water. A drop in your body’s hydration level leads to a reduced amount of fluid surrounding your brain, which protects it from mild bumps and movement.
When suffering from a headache, instead of reaching for a pill, drink a glass of water. If the headache is due to dehydration, it will go away soon.
2. ‘Brain Fog’ or Poor Concentration
As the human brain is made up of approximately 90 percent water, it definitely shows signs when dehydrated. Lack of water in the brain can affect your decision making, memory and mood.
Dehydration can even cause symptoms of brain fog, such as forgetfulness and difficulty focusing, thinking and communicating.
3. Bad Breath and Dry Mouth
Bad breath is another sign that your body lacks water. Due to lack of water, your body produces less saliva, which contains antibacterial properties. This leads to an excess growth of bacteria in the mouth, causing bad or stinky breath.
Along with bad breath, you can have a dry mouth. Water works like a lubricant, which keeps the mucus membranes moist in the throat, thus preventing dry mouth.
4. Constipation and Other Digestive Issues
Water helps lubricate the digestive system and keeps the digestive tract flexible and clean. This helps keep your bowel movements regular and avoid constipation.
Plus, excessive fluid loss due to diarrhea or vomiting may also harden the stools and lead to constipation. Lack of water in the body can even cause heartburn and indigestion.
5. Sudden Food Cravings
The next time you have sudden hunger pangs or food cravings, drink a glass of water before grabbing a snack. When dehydrated, your body sends false signals to your brain that you are hungry, when actually you are thirsty.
Craving a salty treat can be due to loss of water and electrolytes in the body. Simply drink a sports drink that contains sodium, or make your own lemon water by mixing the juice of 1 lemon in a glass of water along with 1 teaspoon of salt.
Some people experience cravings for something sweet. This happens when your body experiences difficulty with glycogen production. In this case, opt for fruits like watermelon, papaya or berries that are sweet as well as high in water content.
6. Reduced Urination and Change in Color
Believe it or not, if you are not using the restroom every few hours, your body is probably lacking water. A healthy amount of water intake results in regular urination, about four to seven times a day. As your body releases toxins through urination, not urinating at regular intervals can be problematic.
Also, keep an eye on the color of your urine. It is an important indicator of your hydration level. Clear or light-colored urine indicates a well-hydrated body, while dark yellow or amber-colored urine indicates concentrated urine and is usually a sign that your body lacks water.
7. Fatigue and Lethargy
If you are feeling fatigued and lethargic, it can be due to your dehydrated body. Lack of water causes low blood pressure and inadequate oxygen supply throughout the body, including the brain. Lack of oxygen causes sleepiness, fatigue and a lethargic feeling.
Furthermore, when you are dehydrated, your body has to work much too hard to ensure proper blood circulation, transporting nutrients and even breathing. Expending extra energy obviously makes you tired faster than usual.
Staying hydrated is one of the easiest ways to stay alert and energized, so keep your water bottle handy.
8. Joint and Muscle Pain
Water is a vital component of healthy joints and cartilage. In fact, they contain about 80 percent water. When your body lacks water, your bones start grinding against each other, causing pain in the joints.
When your body is well hydrated, your joints can handle sudden movements, such as running, jumping or falling awkwardly, without any pain.
Furthermore, depletion of fluids through perspiration can cause muscles to contract, leading to cramps.
9. Scaly, Dry Skin and Lips
Another sign that your body lacks water is dry skin that lacks elasticity. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and it requires a good amount of water to remain in good condition.
A low water level causes less sweating, which means the body is not able to wash away excess dirt and oil accumulated on the skin throughout the day. Furthermore, as water helps flush toxins from the body, dehydration increases the risk of acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Another obvious sign of dehydration is dry and chapped lips.
10. Accelerated Heartbeat
Dehydration also has a direct impact on heart rate and performance. Dehydration causes a decrease in plasma volume, making the blood more viscous. This affects blood circulation and increases your heart rate.
Furthermore, dehydration causes changes in electrolytes present in your body, leading to low blood pressure. Due to extra stress on your body, heart palpitations become faster. This can be frightening and cause anxiety and panic.
If you feel your heart beating faster, try sipping water slowly to see if you feel better. If the problem persists, consult your doctor immediately.

Discover more about what water you should be drinking at www.Drink.Purifyingh2o.com

“Change Your Water, Change Your Wallet?”

Change Your Water, Change Your Wallet?

Week 6 ~ Change Your Water, Change Your Wallet

~ See how making a health conscious decision of changing the water in your household can impact YOUR home, how much money you can save. . . AND . . . possibly make. Can you imagine buying a very expensive item for your home, then having IT PAY FOR ITSELF?

• Now, Having discovered all of the ways in which the A High Quality Alkalizing Water machine can provide better service in our home, than many of the chemicals and products that we are currently using, we now explain the importance of our discovery. Many people, in recognizing the value involved, will make owning their own system, for the rest of their life, a matter of priority. Our units are designed with a 20 year life expectancy under hard use.

• Now,is it time to find the right machine that fits their/your family and life?

• How many Cleaning Products can you replace in your home using the different waters the machine produces? This can have a real impact of saving money, because you no longer are purchasing expensive chemicals at the store.

A woman who meticulously evaluated how it would impact her home and family of four, concluded that it would save her in excess of $3,200 per year. Year after Year! and she would have a healthy family, as well as a clean and healthy home. I have her list that I can send to anyone wanting a copy. just text me as I mention at the end of each blog post.

• The real blessing is that we don’t have to put any pressure on anyone to buy a machine

If they have attended our six week course, they are in possession of the necessary information for their decision. It is their decision to make. There will be many reasons that people can’t act at this time. That’s ok. We do discuss the various ways that a machine can be acquired and not too surprisingly, many of the ways haven’t been considered by those who want a machine. Normally, people see the price and immediately react with “I can’t afford that!”  Ask those who have purchased their system and they will ALL say, I can’t afford not to have it.

The list of financing possibilities is long. Credit cards, Home equity line of credit (borrowing from yourself), add to the budget for a Kitchen Remodeling project and or other financing. some Add it in a mortgage financing or refinance package. Some will use their Income tax refund, when it is that time of year. Others have gotten a down payment by selling something that they no longer use. We’ve even had people hold a garage sale and be surprised by raising enough to cover their costs. Then there’s our Company zero interest financing plan, requiring a down payment and 10 to 24 payments.

You can even Elect to purchase your machine with commissions, earned by referring the purchases of others to the company. Unfortunately you wouldn’t have a machine until it was paid off. However, You would just be doing what we all do. Share the story and the reality of the water. bringing referrals to the company.

Did I hear you right? The manufacturer actually has people referring customers. Yes, You automatically receive a registered ID number when you purchase your own machine and the company pays you, the customer, for referring other customers. OH! and remember it’s the water that is the salesman in this equation. Actually, only 10 purchasing referrals will repay you fully for your machine purchase.

The Company rewards it’s customers rather than paying salesmen. AND THEIR COMMISSION PLAN IS PATENTED! This is a 45 year old, debt free Manufacturer from Osaka Japan, with product in over 40 countries.

Let me assure you, it is not an MLM! Whether a customer chooses to refer customers or not is their business. Those who do will receive a reward accordingly. There are no requirements, no inventory, no monthly quota, no loss of position earned (depending on the accumulation of sales you might have, you may receive more than one commission check from the same sale.) Text me and ask for a simple explanation of the commission plan. I have a brief video.

• So the question becomes, “Who do you know? Where do they live? Are you interested in getting the water to them?” You can Explain our Ambassador program and HOW they just might get a large part of their machine purchase returned by the decision of others to get their own machine after discovery.

• Q&A, of course in a blog post, we can’t be interactive, however, you can text me your name and questions and I will be glad to respond with answers as best as I can. Text phone: 720-281-3965

• Finally, at our Clinic Seminars the next thing is Bring your friends to the next class – WE ARE STARTING OVER! In this case bring your friends to this blog. You are always welcome to come to these meetings. But do your part, bring friends.

This is the closest I come to acting like a salesman. My apologies, but some people actually need someone to ask them to Buy!

Keith Flint
720-281-3965 Cell/Text

Change Your Water, Change Your Life!

Change Your Water, Change Your Life

Week 5 ~ Change Your Water, Change Your EVERYTHING

~ Does Health, longevity and quality of life depend on the water you drink;

So we are nearing the end of our Training seminars on an “Alkalizing Water” Ionizer and it’s use in YOUR home.

• in previous sessions,we have Focused on the function of the Blood in providing the vehicle of self cleansing, cellular restoration, exercise energy, better sleep, increased mental clarity, and the list goes on.

• We have reviewed the DO’s and DON’Ts of diet and food choices. You can revisit previous blog posts.

• We have shared the results others have discovered and discussed comments, weight loss and testimonies.

• Reviewing the Information that we have developed, we realize that it is time to explain the value of sharing with others, It’s obvious that experiencing the water, with education, will bring the RIGHT decision.

We ask if they were skeptical when they first came.

Are they still skeptical?……… WHAT CHANGED?

The common answer is “the Knowledge that they have learned and the experience of drinking the water for the 5 weeks has made them aware of realities that they never knew!”


Unfortunately, here on the Blog, you are only able to receive information and not able to experience the water.  Occasionally, I am able to locate a Kangen, Alkalized water source near you for your Discovery.  It seems that most of us who discovered the machine responded to our own awareness of how the water altered our lives. Purchasing the machine was made without thinking that a business might be involved in our purchase.

That lead to another equally unexpected Discovery, The Company is a Direct Selling Manufacturer! They ONLY sell direct to a person who is REFERRED by a customer, “YOU” and they reward you with a commission check whenever you use your ID number to refer a client.

If you have any interest in getting an idea what this means, you can watch a couple of videos that explain it in a humorous way, comparing this plan to other MLM Opportunities. What is the Business side of Enagic all about?

• we close with a Q&A session. You can freely text me at 720-281-3965 with your name and any question you might have.

Change Your Water, Change Your Home

Change Your Water, Change Your Home

Change Your Water, Change Your Home

Change Your Water, Change Your Home
~ Eliminate the toxic chemicals from your home.

Discover cooking/cleaning/disinfecting with the different strengths of Alkalized water. This one will REALLY get your attention! A truly green home is a Alkalized Water Cleaned home with Healthy family members.

• In the Clinic seminar I demonstrate ALL of the waters that our Ionizer produces, with explanation and application. Click here and You can see this Demonstration of the Various properties of Alkalized Water Explained. This data is so extensive that I will be devoting several blog posts in the future to them. The Research Data is rich in proof of efficacy of the waters. various terms are used such as Electrically Reduced Water (ERW), Electrically Oxidizing Water (EOW).

• We Spend quite a bit of time on each of the water pH Selections.

Disinfecting 2.5pH water. I Explain the Hospital uses, the kitchen uses, the everyday external use against cuts, infections, skin conditions, Not to mention Kitchen Counter cleaning, even brushing teeth and gargling.

(Ask for Independent Research proof of 99.99% kill in 30 seconds when used on MRSA, eColi, Salmonella, Staph, Strep, etc)

• Explain Beauty Water. The proper pH for the Human Skin is 5.0 pH water.
I love the reaction we get from those who have been using it.

A wonderful experiment, is to take an adolescent with acne and do a
1) Clean the face with 11.5 pH water that immediately emulsifies and removes the OIL from the Oily skin.
2) Spray or rinse the area with our 2.5 pH water that Disinfects the pores of all bacteria and infection.
3) Rinse the face with Beauty water, 5.0 pH water and let air dry. In most cases repeating this daily sees the skin renewed without acne. Truly the safest and least expensive, non chemical treatment method. It’s just a byproduct of the waters that the machine produces.

Clean water and its uses when taking medications and for Baby formula. Kangen water is so energized that if you took prescription medications with it, it would deliver the drug in a very short time and all at once, versus the expectation of the Drug company and Doctor. Why? because ALL other drinks, whether water, coffee, fruit juice, etc are all acidic and dissolve the pills slowly. NOTE: ORAL MEDICATIONS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN WITH KANGEN WATER. You should suspend drinking kangen water 30 minutes before taking medications and resume drinking Kangen water 30-45 minutes after taking your meds.

• We explain the differences between 8.5 pH – 9.0 pH – 9.5 pH Drinking waters. We also discus the recommended schedule for getting started in drinking the water for the first time and why its important to follow. Warning, if you detox too quickly, you may cause some discomfort from a self-induced “Healing Crisis”. NOTE: Do Not take Prescription Medications with the 8.5 to 9.5pH water. Medication is designed to breakdown slowly with normal drinks (dead water). Energized Alkalized water will cause the med to dissolve too rapidly. Use normal water, coffee, milk, etc when taking medications.  Return to Alkalized water after about 45 minutes.

• Finally, our 11.5 pH water “the marvel of oil emulsification. We use this water for many Cleaning activities. such as Fruit, Vegetable and Meat cleaning, Laundry, Stain Removal, Kitchen and Bathroom counters, and more.

• For those who attend our clinic’s we send people home with small samples of each of the waters to experience. (Small spray bottles properly marked) also send them home with a handout explaining the different uses.

• We finish the evening with a Q & A session. with their experiences, Testimonies, Stories.
The personal testimonies are truly priceless and rewarding to hear.

Those who wish to ask questions or get data such as Medical Research Abstracts can text me their name and question and I will respond with my best answer and Research papers if desired. Text phone +1 720-281-3965 that you want to ask questions about Alkalized water.



Week 2 ~ CHANGE YOUR WATER, CHANGE YOUR BODY! ~ Lose weight naturally through cellular detoxification with water. (Agenda for a Seminar)

• Introduction and brief review of previous week’s discussion.

• Explain the Body’s digestive system and function, the Lungs (Oxygen) and the Operational system of the Blood.

• Explain “Acidity” of the body as “Cells retaining residual waste = Acidic Body and how the body uses FAT for storage of acid, to protect the organs from the excess acid in our diet.

• Until you Neutralize the acid, the fat can’t burn off.

Exercise won’t work properly until you first neutralize your fat storage cells. Otherwise, you lose lean muscle mass.

Diet is essential, mostly fresh vegetables, nuts, roots steamed or lightly cooked. All Meats, animal byproducts (Eggs, Milk, Cheese) are Acidic foods. Sodas are the worst. (Though for Diabetics Eggs and Some Cheese’s are good sources of good fat. also Avacado’s)

Let the water purify you from within. Cleanse your digestive tract naturally. Return your stomach, intestines, and colon back to an alkaline state. Food was intended to be digested by enzymes not acid. Now, without enzymes in our packaged food products our body has been forced to use acid as its last resort. This could become a multiweek discussion with practical solutions.

• When you begin to drink Ionized Alkalized water, in proper quantities, consistently you can say goodbye to “Acid Reflux”, Rollaids, Tums, etc. One of our Nutrition Experts says “Your body doesn’t have a Pepto-bismal DEFICIENCY!”

• Drink ¾ – 1 Gallon of Alkalized water per day regularly and discover the difference. Note: 1/2 Oz water per pound weight, each day is minimum. (128 Oz = 1 gallon. pr 1/2 oz per lb for a 250 person) Obviously, 3/4 or 1 Oz per pound daily would be preferred for maximum effect.

The Primary purpose of water is to “Activate” the Function of the Red Blood Cells as the “Housekeeping and Delivery system” for the body.

You can see examples of this action by clicking on the link here. Water Explained

Text me with your name at +1 720-281-3965 and let me know if you have questions you would like answered. Blessings on you!

Keith Flint GodsWaterBoy you can also put your name on an auto reminder for updates at +1 720-262-9631 (send Name, Update Blog, zip)


60,000 miles of your blood system.


Minimize your dependence on prescription medications by restoring the body’s control of itself. YOUR blood is the cleansing and delivery system of life.

•Your Body  is about 50,000 miles of Capillary,vein, artery distribution of Blood! You cannot stick yourself anywhere without drawing blood!

Brief review of weeks one and two, demo of pH and ORP

Explain that ALL diseases are the RESULT or Manifestation of a condition. The condition is “Inadequate Red Blood Cell performance”. Meaning “Lack of Oxygen delivery and waste removal.” Truly,this is the source of an acidic body.

• “Restoring your Blood’s Red Blood Cell performance” IS the solution for an acidic body. It is NOT about eating/ingesting Alkaline food! It’s all about removing the acidic waste from your Cells. Removal allows the body to RID itself of acid and become alkaline.


IF you don’t restore the proper hydration and function of the Blood, you simply cannot restore health. CORRECT AND FUNCTIONAL BLOOD IS FOUNDATIONAL TO LIFE AND HEALTH!

The world’s solution is to add more chemicals to the body to somehow cancel the acid condition. Let’s face it, The body uses FAT to store the acid in order to protect the Vital organs.

• I further explain the process of testing a person’s Blood with Bright-field Microscopy. We can show the Live Blood in its acidic state in a one minute video, see below. This process then shows the same person 10 minutes later with their Blood’s Red Blood Cells reactivated into individual spherical cells, ready to deliver Oxygen, Nutrition and energy to the cells and remove the toxic waste byproducts from the cells, carrying the waste to the Kidneys, the Lungs and the Lymph nodes.

• The blood is the only way that nutrients from your meals can be carried to the cells! Look at the “Rouleau condition of Blood” vs the same person after beginning to drink the Alkalized Restructured water.

The Primary purpose of water is to “Activate” the Function of the Red Blood Cells as the “Housekeeping and Delivery system” for the body.

Call or Text me at Keith Flint +1 720-281-3965  I prefer a text first so that I know it is not a spam or political call.  Thank you.