“So what’s the problem with my water source?”

So what’s the problem with my water source?


What does Tap water, Bottled water, Filtered water, Reverse Osmosis water all have in common?
it’s Dead Water! It has no Life, No Energy, with very Little Bio Availability!

We are reminded by marketing of water products that Tap Water is generally known to have Chlorine, Fluoride, chemicals, residual pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, hormones, Nicotine, Caffeine, endocrine disruptor’s.


On the other hand Bottled water is labeled “Pure water” because of the removal of all the above.

Well if that is true, Then why don’t we want Bottled water?

Because, when all of the above is stripped out of the water, many of the Hydrogen molecules are stripped with it. This leaves a water that when tested and measured is discovered as  being “Extremely Acidic!”, lacking up to 10,000 times it’s hydrogen / oxygen balance!. This means that much of the liquid in the bottle is actually OH- or the Most powerful Oxidizer in Nature!

Another name for bottled water would be “A Pure FREE RADICAL Drink!

The Oxygen of the water molecule, lacking a Hydrogen is therefore not neutralized and seeks to balance itself by attacking the cells, stealing an electron,  This can Damage the Cell DNA (creating a cancerous cell) while also Oxidizing your inner parts, rather than hydrating them.

Bottled water represents Man’s attempt to improve on Gods water, Purifying it, selling it as healthy and of course, at $4-8 per gallon, making a significant profit off of your effort to treat your body right in attempting to become hydrated.


Filtered water may remove some of the larger contaminants, but still remains acidic, though not as severe. So what is the problem with filtering? Well, first the tap water (damaged as mentioned above) forms in large clusters as they share the few hydrogen molecules present. you’ve seen how a glass can be filled above the rim with water because of surface tension.  You may remember Amway selling a product that made your water wetter. It added ions via a chemical that reduced the surface tension.

These water clusters are too large to pass through the passages designed to deliver it into the body and so it continues on to the stomach and bladder and out of the body without giving hydrating benefit.

Of course your body does get some benefit from the water you drink, especially tap water and filtered water, even the shower water that you absorb, but the percentage of bio available water is low.

God’s design of water is evident in every Snowflake. you can see this in it’s crystal structure. It’s definitely Not the soup that comes out of your water faucet, whether from well or city water source.

The individual, Natural, water molecule made up of two hydrogen and one Oxygen Molecules form a shape that looks like “Mickey Mouse” in silhouette.

When 6 of these water molecules connect together, Oxygen to Hydrogen to Oxygen to … They form a PERFECT 6 sided ring of Hexagonal design. God’s Design! HE says that “Life is in the Blood!” The Blood is made up of over 90% water! but not just any liquid that we think is water.

You can actually see this if you look at the crystal structure of the snowflake. it forms the building blocks of each unique snowflake. This is Natures picture of water perfection before it becomes damaged, diluted, and contaminated.

It just so happens that your body’s orifices, or passages that allow water to move from the throat, Esophagus, and Stomach into the body’s inner function are sized to pass the small natural structure of Hexagonal water,\. Delivering benefits immediately to the Blood supply.

The Primary purpose of water is to “Activate” the Function of the Red Blood Cells as the “Housekeeping and Delivery system” for the body. The hexagonal ring acts as a platform or carrier to handle carrying Oxygen from the lungs, Nutrition from the stomach, energy and minerals to the Cells as the fuel and building blocks of your body. Oh! And they also carry the waste away, removing your acidic waste and restoring natural alkalinity to your body.

see a 1 minute video at where a doctor tries to explain what she is seeing, even though her explanation lacks understanding, the pictures are witness of the truth.

You don’t become alkaline by what you eat, you become alkaline by removing the acidic cellular waste that has been causing your acidosis symptoms. Drinking the Proper water has a direct effect on the Blood’s function, flushing the Acidic waste from your body and restoring your alkalinity.

Our lifestyle today typically includes everything but water as liquid’s for our body. Our bodies are designed to function best when contains 75% water. That is 120 lbs of a 160 lb person! So, ask yourself “How much water am I giving my body?” actual water, not just liquids.

The Primary purpose of water is to “Activate” the Function of the Red Blood Cells as the “Housekeeping and Delivery system” for the body.

You can see examples of this action by clicking on the link here.

Water Explained

Thank  you, we’ll see you at the next session of our series.

Keith Flint   +1 720-281-3965 text then call.

Blessings on you!