What does WATER mean to your Health?

The 1 minute video below will show a typical response to drinking just a few ounces of this water.

Video showing the effect of Alkalized Water on the Red Blood Cells.     NOTE: When your Blood is Hydrated and functioning as it should,  it will continue maintaining EVERY ORGAN and CELL in your Body.

Your Red Blood Cells when activated with Hexagonal water carry Energy, Oxygen, nutrition, Hemoglobin to your Cells and Toxic Waste byproducts (ACID) from the cells to the Kidneys for removal.

cropped-blood-system.jpgCan WATER really make a difference with..?

  • Arthritis,
  • Digestive tract disorders,
  • Headaches,
  • High Blood Pressure,
  • MS,
  • Lupus,
  • Cancer,
  • Diabetes,
  • Crohns Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Colitis
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia
  • etc.

Lets look at some Facts.

The picture above illustrates that your body is actually many miles of Blood distribution! Your BLOOD is the single most important part of your ability to maintain good Health and/or Restore your Health.

All “Disease” is actually a developed “Condition” and unless it is reversed and restored, the only thing a Medication can do is “Mask” it or control the symptoms! Healing is dependent on Restoring Function and Performance. We need to correct the defect, to eliminate the symptoms!

Since YOUR Blood “Services” every cell and organ of your body, it makes sense that the quality of your Blood plays a key role, AND IT IS DEPENDENT ON THE WATER YOU DRINK!


Having just seen the AMAZING Demonstration above, lets get back to the job your Blood is supposed to be doing to maintain your Health.

Scripture says that “LIFE is IN the Blood!” and Medical Science says that your Blood is 92% WATER!

What is the job of Red Blood Cells? To provide Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, to your Cells and Waste & Carbon Dioxide Removal from the Body.

What is it that Carries Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy, CO2 & Waste?

Your Red Blood Cell‘s are the primary transporters of these essential supplies to every cell of your body. Conversely, if the RED BLOOD CELLS are not Hydrated (water is a daily consumable reequirement of your blood function) and flowing freely, your ability to keep all your organs healthy suffers. look again at the 1 minute video above and the immediate impact that just 4 oz of this water has of the Bloods ability to perform.

Another example: Let’s look at “High Blood Pressure” which may be a result of either blockage and/or dehydrated Red Blood Cells. Viewing the video above, shows the Red Blood Cell’s that are stuck together like sludge cannot pass freely through veins and Capillaries.

The current medical solution for High Blood Pressure does not focus on removing the blockage or Hydrating, Instead the Doctor prescribes medications (Chemicals) that slow the heart down. Of course, your blood pressure drops, but so does the volume of Blood being delivered. The doctor claims success! “we dropped your blood pressure!

Your Blood pressure is down (slower heart beat) BUT the volume of Blood is insufficient! So now the Doctor prescribes a “Blood Thinner” to get more blood flow at the slower heart rate.

Question? Has YOUR Medication eliminated the Cause or treated the symptom? Was your blood pressure high because of blockage or because the blood was not Hydrated and had become sludge?

Blood comparison





Which blood condition above do you want? The Left is common for dehydrated people, the Right is the same person 12 minutes after drinking JUST ONE GLASS of Restructured water! Imagine drinking 3 quarts daily.

Your Doctor thins your blood in order to move it through an area of restriction, compensating for the “Sludgy” characteristic of the blood and putting you on a Maintenance program, taking a Prescription Medication for life. There’s no intent to actually remove the cause of the problem. Doctors are not allowed to suggest that they Cure anything, ever!

Your Lungs supply Oxygen and remove Carbon Dioxide. But, the Blood is what carries these necessary components of life!

YOUR personal Health is dependent on the Performance of your Blood to carry Oxygen, Nutrients and Waste.

Structured Water (Electrically Reduced Water- ERW) is the FUEL your Blood requires. Not Soda, Coffee, Tea, Energy Drinks, etc.

What are you putting in your Tank to fuel your Human Engine?

The Right Water is also necessary for maintaining your Digestive Tract.

Lets look at what happens in your digestive tract when you are not drinking adequate amounts of the right water on a daily basis. Especially if you have succumbed to the Culture of Convenience from our modern Food Services and are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) diet and your personal choices are not providing for sufficient water intake.

Dr. Shinya developed the colonoscopy process in 1968.

This short video shows actual COLONIC Conditions of the same person both, before and after Drinking Restructured Alkalized Water.

Dr Shinya, Chief Gastroenterologist, Beth Israel Med Center NY. (Retired)


 Your body’s Health is directly related to your intake of Air, water, and food, and They are not optional! YOUR choices will determine your results!   When these are provided at proper levels, everything else works as it should. Neglect any of them and your body pays the price.

IMPORTANT: (CLICK THE SENTENCE)  Watch a Video here for a POWERFUL Demonstration comparing different waters that you may be drinking compared to the Structured water of Nature!    (You will open this in a separate tab in your browser, return to get back  here in the blog.)
 Thank you for visiting my Blog and please share it with your friends.

Lewis Garvin on behalf of Keith Flint (cell phone +1 601-297-8500) Text me before calling, Please!  Keith went Home to be with our Lord in August 2021.

Otherwise, Text “your Name and Update me, FB blog” to +1 601-297-8500 to receive a text when I post updates or to request an opportunity to experience the water locally. I’ll see if I have a source near you.


A  broader education on about this water

  • why it is needed,
  • which bottled water is best,
  • how do I know I need it
  • and more
 Thank you for visiting my Blog and please share it with your friends.

Lewis Garvin on behalf of Keith Flint (cell phone +1 601-297-8500) Text me before calling, Please!  Keith went Home to be with our Lord in August 2021.

Otherwise, Text “your Name and Update me, FB blog” to +1 601-297-8500 to receive a text when I post updates or to request an opportunity to experience the water locally. I’ll see if I have a source near you.


I figure if you  got this far, you might be serious and so I will show you what few have had the  opportunity to see. Recent discoveries!

GOD’s Plan for OUR self Healing is a direct result of the proper Water to accomplish the Hydration of our Blood.

GOD states that “Life is in the Blood!” and HIS Natural Water, Hexagonal water, as seen in energized Rain and Snowflakes is the source of restoring the function of your Red Blood Cells! Ask for help in discovering THIS for yourself.

Lewis Garvin for Keith Flint GodsWaterBoy who has gone Home to be with the Lord (Personal cell phone-please text first, I am getting too many SPAM calls, OK?) +1 601-297-8500 

To receive a text when I Update this Blog, Please  (Text your “Name, Update me, FB)  to +1 601-297-8500

Thank you for visiting. I never use my site to attempt to capture your information and will not contact you, unless you request it. However, I am pleased to answer whatever questions you may have. Feel Free to Call.
You may want to view a number of additional videos at your leisure. You can view a library of quality videos to challenge your knowledge of the Science of Water, especially as to how it effects  your Health. HealthSuccessCenter.com/member/keithfli

Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, and many more Brain Disorders, How does Water effect the BRAIN?

Your Brain on water? understand why we have Brain Disorders!

Meet Doctor Corrine Allen, Renowned Brain Recovery Specialist.

Perhaps this video by Brain Specialist, Dr Corrine Allen, is one of the most powerful explanations of what “Hydration” does for the Human Brain and hence to the Human Body.

Her message is compelling and should be seen by all who are concerned about Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, and many more Brain Disorders.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to see and hear what she has to say about the effects of DEHYDRATION and the ravages that it takes on your body. It is possible that you could begin reversing your symptoms quickly and with near permanent results.

See her presentation on the Effects of Alkalized, Ionized Water on your Brain! She presented this at one of our Conferences. We were really blessed to have her there.

Your understanding will forever be changed about the question of            “Why should I drink water instead of ____ that I currently drink?”         (you fill in the blanks)

This is a challenge you cannot afford to turn down!   It’s about the quality of your later years and the likelihood of becoming a burden on family because you didn’t know what to do to avoid these pervasive diseases.

After seeing her information, you need to hear from a Medical Doctor with years of research and his comments about Modern Medicine and how over the years, our Medicine and our Food supply got off track!

Dr Tim McKnight MD MS FAAFP


If you would like to receive a text when I update this Blog, please send a text to me at 719-2621-9631 with (Name, Updates, Blog, Zip code)

Keith Flint    GodsWaterBoy

Personal phone 720-281-3965 (Please text before calling! too many spam calls)


Hydrating YOUR BLOOD! The first step back to Health!

Hydration!  The first step back to Health!

AND Perhaps, one of the most clearly stated causes of Health Failure is simply “DE-Hydration”   I have posted Dr Corrine Allen’s address on this in my blog site in last Aprils post.

Dr Corrine Allen “Your Brain on water!”

Anyone who is attempting to help others in their health recovery, regardless of what method or Supplement they use will find this totally enlightening, actually captivating.  “Dehydration” is central to ALL Brain disorders, like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, Memory loss, Foggy mental state, Chronic Fatigue, etc.

Unfortunately, knowing the cause doesn’t help if you don’t know the cure!

All water is not Equal”  see previous post on my blog “If water isn’t water, then what is it?”  You are in for a surprise if you haven’t discovered the number of diseases that re-mediate quickly in people who are drinking Alkalized, Ionized, Re-structured water.  And NO! It is not the fact that it is Alkaline, though there are important reasons for it being so.  It is more about the delivery of Active Hydrogen to the Human Body. Active Hydrogen provides a significant “Anti-Oxidant” Electron energy source in the water.  Also the Excess Hydrogen is able to help the damaged water molecules get restored (restructured) back to it’s natural state.

You can see the impact on an average person’s Blood restoration in just 12 minutes after drinking only 4 oz of this water.  You will want to see my blog “Change your Water, Change your Blood!” a one minute video will amaze you. Watch the Red Blood Cells become energized, separated and active after previously having been clustered, sluggish and in Rouleau formations.

View the Life impacting  information of the Science supporting this reality. visit a Private Website with 9 video’s showing the Blood, the digestive and Colon restoration (Dr. Shinya, co-inventor of Colonoscopy) and Skin disorders like shingles, psoriasis, burns etc and how they respond to a certain grade of water. You can view the private site at http://HealthSuccessCenter.net/keithf   You will receive a  private pass-code to access the site by email.

Did you know that the Surgery Rooms of some of Japan’s Hospitals disinfect their facilities, wash their hands and even clean out the chest cavities of open heart surgeries with a 2.5 pH water

Did you know that MRSA, Staph, Strep, Listeria, Ecoli, and other serious infectious Virus’s and Pathogens are 99.99% destroyed in 30 seconds of exposure to this 2.5 pH water?

I have personally been on this water for the last 12+ years.  At 70 I functioned like an 80 year oldArthritis, Diabetes, Over weight, Acid Reflux, Constipation and Irregularity, Fibromyalgia,  Nerve Damage from a broken back and more.  Today at 81 I function like a 50 year old.  More energy, endurance, no medications, no arthritis, bowel movements within the hour after eating (a normal I didn’t know existed) better sleep, more mental clarity and can out work most 50 year old men I know.

My word for 2019 is “Discovery!”  There is plenty of information available today, but, what you personally experience trumps it all.  Discover for yourself.  Text me for possibility of finding a local source for you to experience this for yourself and your loved ones.

Blessings on you,


Gods Water? It’s HIS water, designed to Fuel the Life Force in you.

Check video of what I call Gods Water

Your body should be 75% water! but it’s not if you are not getting the water it was designed for. NO! what you are drinking is not WATER, it is a liquid solution and if you drink Bottled water, you are actually getting “Free Radical Liquid” in the name of “PURE WATER!”  ask me for proof!

WaterBoy?  that’s me.    Keith Flint     720-281-3965    Cell/Text

Fitness! Immediate Performance Improvement!

The “KEY” to PERSONALLY maximizing YOUR performance is missing from all OF THE Certified, Personal Trainer Protocols!

It isn’t about the methods of Exercise used, it’s about the Body’s ability to gain value without unnecessary pain.

The WATER you drink, Absolutely determines your performance!

Download a pdf file below:


Bottled Water, Tap Water, RO Water, So called Smart Water, Live Water etc are all ACIDIC Water! They are labeled “PURE” because of the removal of Impurities, however that leaves them measuring an Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) of +400 to +600 mV and a pH of 3 to 4!

These measurements relate to an Extremely Oxidizing liquid that should be called “Pure FREE Radical” water. It CAN’T HYDRATE, it can only extract electrons from your body and it certainly doesn’t satisfy any thirst.

A Simple explanation of GODS WATER is an explanation of the Earth’s Water Cycle. Beginning with evaporation of Oceans, lakes, rivers and surface water, Natural Water Vapor rises into the atmosphere until it hits the Dew Point temperature (Fog, Clouds etc) and collects into a Mist of vapor clouds that then move through the air, passing through the Magnetic Field of the Earth.

Are you with me? When Clouds become turbulent, an Ionic charge builds up in the pure water molecules and eventually, lightning discharges to earth or another cloud. Yes, Water stores ION Energy.

When Rain Water falls and at the same time the temperature is near freezing, it TURNS TO SNOW! Of course! you say.




These Hexagonal Rings of water are the size and shape that the Human Body has receptors/ portals for, passing them into the inner body and immediately ENABLING THE RED BLOOD CELLS for carrying Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy to the Cells and Waste from the Cells.

You can experience this personally by adding this Alkalized Ionized water to your own workout.

So, your workout with this water will provide more Energy, Endurance and  Performance without Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) which is another name for retained buildup of Lactic Acid in the Muscles causing Pain and Tightness as an effect in the days following your exercise.

If we apply the above information to the Protocol of Personal Trainers, we replace their explanation that

“Your exercise tears the muscle down, and it takes 2 days of rest for the muscle to build back stronger!”

However, our water enables your blood to carry the waste (Lactic Acid) out of the muscle and increases the Oxygen Delivery to the Muscles.

All of this will occur within 10 minutes of drinking your first glass of water!

See videos showing the Bright Field Microscopy of a person’s Blood and again 12 minutes after drinking 4 oz of the water.

To see more about the water in comparison to other waters you generally use, go to Water Comparisons

For those wishing to receive a Text whenever I update my Blog (70+ Posts so far) please Send a Text with “your name, Blog Posts and Update me” to 720-262-9631 which is an automated way I use to notify people of updates. you can opt out at any time you want.

Or you can personally call/text me (Keith Flint 720-281-3965 ) for direct conversation. Please text before calling!  I live on a 70 acre ranch with limited cell service, but texts come through quickly. It makes me more likely to be reachable by phone.

Your comments and thoughts would be appreciated.

Fitness and Hydration, the role your Water plays!

Today so many people are flocking to the local Gym, Exercise class, Dance class, outdoor activities and more.  Their reasons vary, but it seems that their HEALTH is their primary concern.

Given that fact, the ONE THING that they are not aware of is just how the water they drink effects their results.

You say, “Isn’t all water pretty much the same?” and you will be surprised how much the waters available to you vary. See the differences in this video

Alkalized water vs Common bottled water, Demonstration

From ACID and FREE RADICAL INTENSIVE (Commercial bottled water) to Home filtered Reverse Osmosis (Dead) water, and Brita filtered or other filtered TAP water (mildly acidic) to Natures Standard (Rain Water)

When will you realize WHY your Blood is so important?

In a previous Post I showed your body with the skin/muscle/skeleton removed! Yes the 57,000 miles of Blood vessels, arteries, veins and Capillaries that service every cell of  your body.

Your body is maintained by Blood flow and service. However, today because of the foods and drinks of our culture, you blood is “Sludge!”



Watch this brief video. See how your blood changes in just a few minutes!

It becomes obvious that we should be most concerned with the condition of our Blood!  so What can we do to make a difference?

First, What does Blood require? OH! It’s 92% Water.  But, you say, “I Drink lots of water”  NO! you drink lots of liquid, often labeled as water.

See how water is purified in Nature, excluding all impurities.

Let me explain. The Origin of water starts with Evaporation from Oceans, lakes, and rivers. See the Video above if  your didn’t watch it!

Evaporated water rises into the atmosphere until it forms “Vapor” which at the right temperature forms Clouds. Clouds move through Earth’s Magnetic Field, charging the Water Molecules with Ion energy.

Lightning is an example of the power of water energy storage.  Turbulent Clouds rapidly charge the water molecules until collectively, they must discharge to the earth or a lesser charged cloud.

This PURE, ENERGIZED RAIN WATER at the right temperature (Freezing) explodes into a CRYSTAL form.  We call it a Snowflake!

Even though each Snowflake is unique, it is formed from the building blocks (like Lego’s) of a Hexagonal Ring of water.

Six molecules that connect Hydrogen to Oxygen to Hydrogen to Oxygen until it forms a complete ring is the ORIGINAL PURE ENERGIZED STRUCTURE OF WATER THAT  YOUR BODY NEEDS. If you didn’t watch the video above you missed the explanation about this structure.

Your Body uses the Hydrogen for Healing.  The only direct source of Hydrogen on earth is Water!  Plant life also produces Alkaline products with the Sun’s Rays interacting with the Water to make Edible Vegetation, Berries, Fruit, Flowers and roots which are rich in Hydrogen.

The scientific term for identifying the Absence or Presence of Hydrogen is pH (Potential of Hydrogen) where Potential is measured in Volts and the Absence is a Positive voltage (+) and Excess Hydrogen is Minus Voltage (-)

This is important to understand, 0 to 7 pH is absence of completeness, lacking hydrogen. The value of 7 to 14 pH represents the strength or the intensity of excess Hydrogen available.

The typical Bottled waters are around 3.5 to 4 pH, with up to 5,000 times lacking of Hydrogen completeness compared to 7.0 pH neutral water.  NOTE: Bottled water is destructive to your body, while you believe you are drinking Healthy water. No one said that that “PURE” meant “HEALTHY!

Commercial Bottling Companies produce their water using extreme filtering processes.  They then claim that it is “Pure” because they have removed as much of the contaminates in the water as they can.  This removes Hydrogen often, leaving the water acidic. Extracting the impurities often dislodges the Hydrogen it was attached with.

This process of “Purifying” leaves an INCOMPLETE Molecule, an OH- as a Free Radical and it can no longer sustain its part of the Hexagonal structure.

This large cluster of molecules cannot access the Channels or Portals in the body to reach the Blood and inner body fluids. Instead it passes to the stomach and on to the Bladder, not having serviced the Cells of the body,

Most of you have quit reading way back when I started talking like an Engineer. That’s too bad, because here is where we begin to  understand how the water does what it does for LIFE of any kind, but Human in particular.

Life is in the BLOOD!  Your Blood should be around 92% water! BUT, the only water that can reach the blood in it’s proper form is the SINGLE RING OF 6 Molecules (think snowflake crystal) which match the size of the portals in the body that let the water reach the Red Blood Cells.

Why the “Ring of Water?”  Because it serves as a platform in the cell that allows it to CARRY OXYGEN, NUTRITION, ENERGY to the Cells and REMOVE THE WASTE CARRYING IT TO THE KIDNEYS and out of the body and of course, the Carbon Dioxide back to the lungs.

“ASTHMA”  is an example of the result of Dehydrated Blood Cells, where the blood cannot deliver adequate Oxygen from the lungs nor carry the Carbon Dioxide out of the body. The Symptom is like self suffocation!  The first level of solution is HYDRATION.

How do we know this? Well, The primary Medical solution is to give one an “ANTI-HISTAMINE”  which opens the Lung sac’s and allow oxygen flow.  This seems like a right solution doesn’t it?  However, the Body produced the original HISTAMINE to close the lungs down BECAUSE THE BODY WAS DANGEROUSLY DEFICIENT OF HYDRATION AND IT NEEDED TO STOP, REST, HYDRATE TO STAY ALIVE!   Ignoring the signals of the body and want to keep going, we override the self regulation with an antihistamine further weakening the body.

Misuse of the Antihistamine Prescription is the usual cause of Asthma Deaths.  Instead of helping an Asthmatic recover by Hydrating the body, a Doctor gives the person a way to override the symptom. when this is abused a person uses it more and more. When they have a severe attack and do not have a Nebulizer, they suffocate!  In My Opinion, the Doctor should be charged with the Death.

Our Modern World simply misunderstands the importance of the qualities of water our Bodies need!  We can purchase dozen’s of types of Waters, Drinks, Liquids, juices, Soda, power, caffeine and Gatorade type liquids instead of HEALTHY WATERThe average Grocery Store has over 1,000 linear feet of shelf space dedicated to the above assortment of liquids that are ALL Harmful if used instead of a proper water.

Proper Water! Water that has been re-structured back to the original condition of Rain Water or as seen in a Snowflake.  How do we do that?  A modern Kitchen appliance exists that uses Electrolysis to separate out the contaminates, chemicals, Pharmaceuticals from the water, while Extracting a lot of the Hydrogen from the waste water and recombining it with the drinking water. Medical Science and Research use the term ERW, Electrically Reduced Water. It is also what we would call Alkalized, Ionized, Restructured Water.

In it’s immediate form the water produced by Electrolysis is RICH in FREE HYDROGEN which science recognizes as having amazing Antioxidant power.

The Measurement of this quality is  Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) which is the Excess or Absence of Free Hydrogen.  Also, in the process, many damaged water molecules are healed by the recombining of Hydrogen to damaged water molecules.  When enough restored water molecules are present they naturally recombine into the exact form seen in Nature, a 6 molecule ring. This is the form your body requires to activate the Red Blood Cells.

Incidentally, there is misinformation going around the internet that this water is only good for a few days!  Why? Because “Self proclaimed Experts” who made the claim years ago did not understand the process that occurs.

The INITIAL CLOUD OF FREE HYDROGEN in the water is a strong Antioxidant source in the water. However, those FREE Hydrogen molecules seek out a damaged water molecule and attach restoring balance and satisfying the need of a FREE RADICAL TO BE RESTORED WITH A HYDROGEN MOLECULE! This also restores the water molecule.

The claim that the water was no longer good after about 72 hours was because the water no longer showed a strong negative ORP value. That is because the Free Hydrogen had bonded with the water molecules and no longer produced a negative ORP reading.  In reality, after 72 hours the resultant water is highly Bio-available to the Blood Stream and the Red Blood Cells, directly through the Portals of the Esophagus and Stomach.

If you made it this far, you deserve a medal! I don’t know any other way to explain and distinguish the difference between MAN’S Water and GOD’S WATER!

By the way, Who Designed the Body?  According to Scriptures, GOD did. Do you think that modern science can improve on GOD’S Design?  Good Luck if you do. We need to work on getting back to good food and drinks. Our messing with GMO modification of our food is a serious problem, but that’s for another time and another post.

Keith Flint   GodsWaterBoy  providing God’s Water Freely to those who we can reach.

Learn more at Here

To receive a Text when we update this Blog, please text “Update, and your name” to 720-262-9631 and we will send a link each time. Of course you can opt out at any time.

Blessings and Good Health to you.

Keith Flint

Bitter Cold this Winter? AVOID DEHYDRATION NOW! serious health exposure issues.

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do, during these bittercold winter months, is to stay HYDRATED!

The following article does not make any claims as to a specific cure for disease, rather it identifies the components of the Human body that function to keep the body healthy and to self heal. Any Curing of disease must be a normal function of the body, operating within its intended design, that brings about restoration of Natural balance of its organs and functions.

Dehydration is a serious condition that opens you up to other diseases. Your body requires a minimum amount of water daily to remain healthy.  However, very few methods of drinking liquids have any positive effects on restoring hydration.  Below are things you should know and possible solution to the issue.

Do you think that what you are drinking is providing what your body and blood need? REALLY! and  you still have health issues?

Watch a simple comparison of the popular Drinks that you are presented with everywhere you go and how they rank in Hydrating your body.

Discover more about “WHICH WATERCOMPARISON OF "WATER"Kangen Presentation you should be drinking!  (clicking on the blue quote opens in new tab, with a demonstration video, please return to this tab to continue)


Water makes up about two-thirds of your body weight, and a person cannot survive without water for more than a few days. Every cell, organ and tissue in the body depends on water. It plays very important roles, for instance:
• It helps maintain the balance of body fluids.
• It regulates and maintains body temperature.
• It lubricates your joints and eyes.
• It protects your tissues, spinal cord and joints.
• It helps your body remove waste products and toxins.
• It aids digestion.
• It helps control calorie intake.
• It helps keep your skin looking good and youthful.

Without water, your body would stop functioning properly. Hence, it is important to keep your body hydrated. To stay hydrated, drink fluids and eat foods rich in water content.
At times, your body may lose water more than usual. This can occur due to vigorous physical activity, excessive sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, diabetes and frequent urination.
This causes an electrolyte imbalance in your body, leading to dehydration and making it difficult for your body to function at its best.

1. Headaches and Lightheadedness
Headaches and lightheadedness are some of the possible signs that your body lacks water. A drop in your body’s hydration level leads to a reduced amount of fluid surrounding your brain, which protects it from mild bumps and movement.
When suffering from a headache, instead of reaching for a pill, drink a glass of water. If the headache is due to dehydration, it will go away soon.
2. ‘Brain Fog’ or Poor Concentration
As the human brain is made up of approximately 90 percent water, it definitely shows signs when dehydrated. Lack of water in the brain can affect your decision making, memory and mood.
Dehydration can even cause symptoms of brain fog, such as forgetfulness and difficulty focusing, thinking and communicating.
3. Bad Breath and Dry Mouth
Bad breath is another sign that your body lacks water. Due to lack of water, your body produces less saliva, which contains antibacterial properties. This leads to an excess growth of bacteria in the mouth, causing bad or stinky breath.
Along with bad breath, you can have a dry mouth. Water works like a lubricant, which keeps the mucus membranes moist in the throat, thus preventing dry mouth.
4. Constipation and Other Digestive Issues
Water helps lubricate the digestive system and keeps the digestive tract flexible and clean. This helps keep your bowel movements regular and avoid constipation.

Plus, excessive fluid loss due to diarrhea or vomiting may also harden the stools and lead to constipation. Lack of water in the body can even cause heartburn and indigestion.
5. Sudden Food Cravings
The next time you have sudden hunger pangs or food cravings, drink a glass of water before grabbing a snack. When dehydrated, your body sends false signals to your brain that you are hungry, when actually you are thirsty.
Craving a salty treat can be due to loss of water and electrolytes in the body.  Drink water instead and have your craving go away..
Some people experience cravings for something sweet. This happens when your body experiences difficulty with glycogen production. In this case, opt for fruits like watermelon, papaya or berries that are sweet as well as high in water content.
6. Reduced Urination and Change in Color
Believe it or not, if you are not using the restroom every few hours, your body is probably lacking water. A healthy amount of water intake results in regular urination, about four to seven times a day. As your body releases toxins through urination, not urinating at regular intervals can be problematic.
Also, keep an eye on the color of your urine. It is an important indicator of your hydration level. Clear Urine is a sign that the water you are drinking is NOT removing toxins!  Light-colored Urine every time you go, indicates a well-hydrated body, while a dark yellow or amber-colored, odorous  urine indicates concentrated urine and is usually a sign that you are not drinking enough water. Especially noticeable the first Urination of the morning! Drink a Quart of water before bedtime. Yes, you might have to get up once or twice a night, but isn’t proper health worth a Life Style change?
7. Fatigue and Lethargy
If you are feeling fatigued and lethargic, it can be due to your dehydrated body. Lack of water causes low blood pressure and inadequate oxygen supply throughout the body, including the brain. Lack of oxygen causes sleepiness, fatigue and a lethargic feeling.

Furthermore, when you are dehydrated, your body has to work much too hard to ensure proper blood circulation, transporting nutrients and even breathing. Expending extra energy obviously makes you tired faster than usual.
Staying hydrated is one of the easiest ways to stay alert and energized, so keep your water bottle handy.
8. Joint and Muscle Pain
Water is a vital component of healthy joints and cartilage. In fact, they contain about 80 percent water. When your body lacks water, your bones start grinding against each other, causing pain in the joints.
When your body is well hydrated, your joints can handle sudden movements, such as running, jumping or falling awkwardly, without any pain.
Furthermore, depletion of fluids through perspiration can cause muscles to contract, leading to cramps.
9. Scaly, Dry Skin and Lips
Another sign that your body lacks water is dry skin that lacks elasticity. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and it requires a good amount of water to remain in good condition.
A low water level causes less sweating, which means the body is not able to wash away excess dirt and oil accumulated on the skin throughout the day. Furthermore, as water helps flush toxins from the body, dehydration increases the risk of acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Another obvious sign of dehydration is dry and chapped lips.
10. Accelerated Heartbeat
Dehydration also has a direct impact on heart rate and performance. Dehydration causes a decrease in plasma volume, making the blood more viscous. This affects blood circulation and increases your heart rate.
Furthermore, dehydration causes changes in electrolytes present in your body, leading to low blood pressure. Due to extra stress on your body, heart palpitations become faster. This can be frightening and cause anxiety and panic.
If you feel your heart beating faster, try sipping water slowly to see if you feel better. If the problem persists, consult your doctor immediately.

Still uncertain about what you are drinking? see the many benefits of the resources you have available. “Comparison of Waters”

It’s Christmas time, Elizabeth and I would like to Wish you a Very Merry Christmas! Stay Healthy, Warm and close to your Famiily.  Blessings on you all!


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May you have a very prosperous and fulfilling 2017!