Life is IN THE BLOOD! Science tells us that The BLOOD is 92% WATER.
What is the source of Disease today? Dehydration!
When the BLOOD cannot provide the Body the delivery of Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy and removal of Waste byproducts of Cellular combustion and Energy production, the Organs suffer from insufficient support in their operation. The failure of the Organs to do what they are designed to do results in Conditions in your body. These Conditions are then identified by the Symptoms that they produce.
The world today is treating their symptoms with everything under the sun!
The medical world is giving you Prescription Medication that first uses “Endocrine Disruptors” to shut down your body’s own control of the organ and stimulates it with “Chemicals, Specific to causing the action desired” in the name of Control of your symptoms.
For example, you have High Blood Pressure. The Doctor prescribes any of a number of Drugs that all do the same thing. They “Slow the Heart down.” The doctor exclaims that he/she has your blood pressure under control. Unfortunately, You now do not have sufficient Blood “FLOW” so they now add a Blood thinner to the list.
By the way, wasn’t the reason you had High Blood Pressure, because of blood flow restrictions? such as a blockage, or the Blood was dehydrated and thick, sludgy with slow moving blocks of red blood cells?
None of the medications given removed the source of the problem, they simply were designed to satisfy a “Test” called a “Blood Pressure Test”
They consider that you are now meeting the requirements of this blood pressure test, you now are being moderated successfully.
Lets take “Pain Relievers.” These are “Brain Blockers” so that the pain doesn’t bother you. It doesn’t remove the cause of the pain, it doesn’t fix the problem, it simply convinces you that you can continue on without pain. Again, simply a symptom modifier.
How about Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, other Brain disorders? Again these are caused principally by “Dehydration.” The Brain is 85% WATER!
Watching this video is a challenge that you simply cannot afford to turn down, it’s about quality of your later years and likelihood of becoming a burden on family because you didn’t know what to do to avoid these pervasive diseases.
What are people taking for their CONDITION? Pills (Statin’s) that reduce Cholesterol in the name of helping against Heart Disease, while reducing the very Cholesterol that is the source of energy for the brain.
For their drinks, they don’t drink even daily replacement values of water to replace what they use up. They drink liquids that please the taste buds or follow the world’s seduction to special drinks. Enter Cola’s, Energy drinks, Bottled water, vitamin water, mineral water, and the list goes on.
Unfortunately, Unless the water is the designed size that GOD intended to give the Blood it’s ability to perform it’s purpose, what they are drinking is causing their problems. People are drinking “STUFF” that goes to the stomach and out the bladder without providing “Hydration” to the body.
Watch a couple of simple videos that actually show you what you are being sold as “Water” and how the Blood responds in just minutes to the “Right Structure” of water.
When the solution to just about every Malady of life is found in “Restoring the Body’s Hydration” allowing it to function as designed by God. Our present public response is to buy every new “Solution” in a bottle or capsule provided by vendors of “Health Products.”
Vendors make claims like you need more Oxygen ( a truth for sure) but don’t point out that the “BLOOD” is the source of delivery! or they claim that you need more a man-made “ALL NATURAL ELIXIR” (Again, something that treats symptoms) that they claim will restore your health.
God is not a respecter of people such as that HE would have you have to BUY some mixture of ancient herbs, grown in the Himalaya’s or on some Island to get your health back! HE has stated in HIS Word, “Beware of Seers and Sorcerers.” Isn’t it interesting, that the words in the Greek Text is translated as “Doctors and Pharmacia”
Man doesn’t have to IMPROVE on GOD’S Design. The Human body has reproduced itself for thousands of years with perfection, except for the problems brought about by putting all sorts of chemicals in the body (Modern Food) and causing an Amniotic Fluid that has dozens of resifual Pharmaceutical products in it, while the Fetus is forming it’s magic cell division and creating another amazing human.
There are Man-made Solutions like Bottled “Oxygen Rich” water. Many water Bottlers make a “Feature” of their water’s Toxicity” Nearly all Bottled Water is Lacking in so much Hydrogen, that it measures Acidic levels that are “Free Radical” byproducts of the filtering process. But Hey! they are Pure! Perhaps they should label themselves as PURE FREE RADICAL WATER! it would be closer to the truth. again here is a link to show you this fact. By the way, when someone tells you that you need to drink Oxygen rich water or take Oxygen drops, ask them when did we grow GILLS? Fish get oxygen from water, humans don’t. Think for yourself.
Next week I’ll tell you how ASTHMA is a product of Dehydration and Air Pollution. Both issues have simple solutions. Antihistamines override the Body’s Natural effort to protect itself, making the person subject to disastrous results.
Enough for now.
Feel free to contact me by Texting me at 720-281-3965
Keith Flint, GodsWaterBoy