The “KEY” to PERSONALLY maximizing YOUR performance is missing from all OF THE Certified, Personal Trainer Protocols!
It isn’t about the methods of Exercise used, it’s about the Body’s ability to gain value without unnecessary pain.
The WATER you drink, Absolutely determines your performance!
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Bottled Water, Tap Water, RO Water, So called Smart Water, Live Water etc are all ACIDIC Water! They are labeled “PURE” because of the removal of Impurities, however that leaves them measuring an Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) of +400 to +600 mV and a pH of 3 to 4!
These measurements relate to an Extremely Oxidizing liquid that should be called “Pure FREE Radical” water. It CAN’T HYDRATE, it can only extract electrons from your body and it certainly doesn’t satisfy any thirst.
A Simple explanation of GODS WATER is an explanation of the Earth’s Water Cycle. Beginning with evaporation of Oceans, lakes, rivers and surface water, Natural Water Vapor rises into the atmosphere until it hits the Dew Point temperature (Fog, Clouds etc) and collects into a Mist of vapor clouds that then move through the air, passing through the Magnetic Field of the Earth.
Are you with me? When Clouds become turbulent, an Ionic charge builds up in the pure water molecules and eventually, lightning discharges to earth or another cloud. Yes, Water stores ION Energy.
When Rain Water falls and at the same time the temperature is near freezing, it TURNS TO SNOW! Of course! you say.
These Hexagonal Rings of water are the size and shape that the Human Body has receptors/ portals for, passing them into the inner body and immediately ENABLING THE RED BLOOD CELLS for carrying Oxygen, Nutrition, Energy to the Cells and Waste from the Cells.
You can experience this personally by adding this Alkalized Ionized water to your own workout.
So, your workout with this water will provide more Energy, Endurance and Performance without Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) which is another name for retained buildup of Lactic Acid in the Muscles causing Pain and Tightness as an effect in the days following your exercise.
If we apply the above information to the Protocol of Personal Trainers, we replace their explanation that
“Your exercise tears the muscle down, and it takes 2 days of rest for the muscle to build back stronger!”
However, our water enables your blood to carry the waste (Lactic Acid) out of the muscle and increases the Oxygen Delivery to the Muscles.
All of this will occur within 10 minutes of drinking your first glass of water!
See videos showing the Bright Field Microscopy of a person’s Blood and again 12 minutes after drinking 4 oz of the water.
To see more about the water in comparison to other waters you generally use, go to Water Comparisons
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